I received the below mentioned product in order to complete an honest review. Any opinions expressed are my own.
I’m very particular about my handbags. I need it to be functional, easy to carry, I want it to look nice, be affordable, and be made to last. I know, I don’t want much right? For the most part, I will use the same handbag until it kicks the bucket. I spend hours or even days pouring over bags just to find the right one when it’s time to replace my handbag. Sure I have a couple small handbags for date nights or what-have-you but for my every day bag, yea it’s that big of a deal for me.
When the handbag company, 88, approached me about doing a review, I checked out the site. Almost every bag in their collection would be the type of bag I’m drawn to. Classic, functional, affordable. 88 is a vegan brand. They are a collection of bags designed by an expert creative team that works on designs for brands around the world.
After looking over each bag on 88 Handbags about 3 times I finally decided on the 88 Halina Gray Satchel.
The 88 Halina Gray Convertible Satchel is a nice size bag. Tons of pockets. The pockets in the front of the bag are deep enough to easily hold a digital camera, phone, or wallet. The main storage are of the purse could hold a lot…I mean a lot. I put my dlsr, a change of clothes for my daughter, a couple extra pull ups for her, and her pack of wipes in the compartment when I took the bag to my sister’s house the other day and I could have still fit plenty more.
I was quite satisfied with the construction of the bag. I like having the option of the removable shoulder strap or the short handles. The bag looks like leather but it’s not. I created a short video to show you all the storage and features of this bag:
Check out the bags on 88 Handbags. If you seen something you like, 88 also has a coupon code for my readers. Use code: Angie to save 10% off your order on their already reasonable prices!
You can find 88 on the following social media sites:
Twitter: @88_handbags
Which 88 bag is your favorite?
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Never heard of this company before. I’m going to check them out because I’m in the market for a new handbag myself.