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Gift Idea For The Little Ones That Will Keep Them Happy For Months – Luv Saving Money

Gift Idea For The Little Ones That Will Keep Them Happy For Months

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Holiday Guide 2015

My kids LOVE getting stuff in the mail.  Doesn’t matter if it’s a post card or a box.  Admittedly though, the boxes with fun stuff in are their favorite.  I’ve done the subscription box thing with my kids and they love it.  This time around I’m going to try Bluum box.  This would be a fun gift that keeps on giving for your kids, grand kids, nieces, or nephews. And it’s affordable, especially when you incorporate the 30% off coupon below!

usfg bluum box

Sign up for today and receive a monthly shipment of the best-reviewed mom & baby care products. Decide between a surprise box or choose your own products each month on Tracking your child’s progress in the bluum app is fun and helps get the most relevant products.

Save 30% OFF your first month – Get started with bluum today!

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker