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10 Little Things that Lead to a Happier, Healthier You – Luv Saving Money

10 Little Things that Lead to a Happier, Healthier You

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This is something we can all use a little of.  Thinking of 10 things that can make our lives happier and healthier.  This is my personal list in no certain order:

1.  Make time for the family–My husband and I work opposite shifts.  He doesn’t get to spend as much time with the kids as he’d like and we don’t get to spend enough time together.  But on his days off we try to make up for it.  I make a special meal. We all sit together and eat and discuss our day.  No tv’s on, no cell phone nothing. My husband also tries to make special guy time with our 3 boys.

2.  Take some “you” time–I know, as a mom, that’s probably one of the hardest things to do.  My time, when all the kids are in bed and before my husband gets home from work. I usually have about an hour and a half to myself.  That’s my facebook or blogging time, or my candle making time, or my reading time, whatever I feel like doing for me time.

3.  Get active with the family–Let’s face it, most of us aren’t as active as we should be.  I know I’m guilty. I do have a physical job outside the home which i love. I work as a therapist.  And as a therapist I see the trouble people can into by being sedintary.  I try to find a couple days a week to take all the kids out for a walk around town, kick the soccer ball around with them, take them to the playground (and be active with them….what a mom can enjoy the swings too right?) This also has a secondary benefit (See list number 1)

4.  Read your food labels–again I’m guilty.  I don’t always buy the healthiest things.  I’ve been making an honest effort over the last 2 years though to buy healthier food.  1% milk instead of 2%, having more fruits, veggies, and juices around the house instead of twinkies, soda, etc.Once I started really reading labels I was shocked to see some of the fat content, sodium amounts, calories in some food

5.  Make healthy eating fun and exciting for kids—One of my boys’ favorite treats is apples with peanut butter.  I like to crush plain cornflakes into the peanut butter to to give it a unique crunchy texture.  I started swapping their white bread for whole wheat bread and cutting their sandwiches into cute shapes You can use metal cookie cutters, ravioli cutters whatever you have that works.

6.  Talk to your kids about healthy eating habits–I started talking to my kids about healthy choices and examples of healthy choices in terms they’d understand around 4 years old.  I even made a little quiz:  what’s a better snack?  oranges or a snickers bar, what’s a better drink choice?  chocolate milk or soda?  and so on.  I also tried to explain why it was important to eat healthier: weight gain and the problems that can compound from that, vitamin c to help the immune system etc.

7.  When possible make it from scratch or as much as possible instead of prepackaged:  You can control what goes into your food better.  You can use egg beaters instead of eggs, you can use skim milk instead of whole milk, etc.  I know that’s a toughy especially when companies make it so convenient and quick for us.

8.  Drink more water:  Water as we all know is so important for our bodies.  It helps our skin, keeps us hydrated, helps us decrease our hunger between meals, and so much more.  Milk and Orange Juice like Tropicana is great too!

9.  Don’t sweat the small stuff:  Does it really matter if the dishes sit for an hour after supper if it means getting in some quality time with the family?  Who cares if your mother in law made a surprise visit and your floor wasn’t vacuumed?  Don’t overload yourself at work.  Sure you want to be a superstar or strive for that raise but stress takes a toll on our bodies and can increase sick days.

10.  Get some sleep:  Try to strive for a regular bedtime (for yourself too not just your kids).  Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep.  When you can’t try to find time for a nap.  If you’re fatigued how will you have the energy for the kids?  the family time? work?  whatever.  Renew your body.

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This blog was written for the opportunity to win an amex gift card from and Trop50.  Want to write your own blog for a chance to win.  Visit: 10 things to lead to a happier healthier you

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Tropicana Trop50 blogging program to be eligible to win 6 free Juicy Rewards points and a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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