The Descendants The Descendants Series Book 1 by Destiny Hawkins Genre: Dark Fantasy
Fail the tests and become a slave. Display defectiveness and be put to death. Monroe Academy was built to separate the weak from the strong. Pass the biyearly leveling and be released into society upon graduation. Fail to be promoted and be stripped of rank and forced into servitude. That was a rule that applied to all but Rayah Bardeau. A student of Monroe Academy, branded as a Null because of her absence of Lighter energy. With her mother standing as a slave in her place, Rayah was given until the age of twenty to make level six, but at nineteen-years-old and with only eight months until her twentieth birthday, she was only a mere level one. The same level she’s been since she was ten. With the stress of her upcoming test, the loss of a friend, and the constant wrongdoings towards her, Rayah could only dream of escaping from Lytonia, and escape she did. Only, when she awakened in her dorm, she couldn’t distinguish if she had only dreamt of meeting Soren, a wild and adventurous defect in the Wild Lands, or if she had somehow used her Lighter Form to get there. But only the elite ― the most powerful of Lighters ― could tap into their Lighter Forms. Right? And what was the dark energy she used when she and Soren were attacked by Depleters? Was Rayah really as powerless as she thought? Was she a defect? And if she used dark energy, could she call herself a Lighter at all? Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the first installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective. “When I started reading this book I was not prepared for the sheer level of adventure I would experience. This book is along the same lines as the Divergent series, and just as action packed!” ★★★★★ “Given how many books I read, it’s not often I can say that I haven’t seen something before, but this storyline is unlike anything I’ve read.” ★★★★★ “This is completely different from what I’m used to reading….but I definitely fell in love with this world that Destiny Hawkins created.” ★★★★★ **Only $1.50!!**Goodreads * Amazon
The Calling The Descendants Series Book 2
She was given a second chance to prove that she could fall in line, but with her lack of power, that would be impossible. Rayah’s entire life, she’d always been different from everyone else, and in Lytonia, being different was treated as a crime, but in her case, she was granted a pass. In only a few months, she had to present her abilities to the council and prove to them that she was worthy of walking the halls of Monroe Academy, but Artemis, her tormentor and superior officer, would stop at nothing to keep her from excelling. Being powerless and not proving herself meant that she would be transitioned into a slave, and Artemis would become her master. What Rayah realized was that she wasn’t as powerless as she thought. For weeks she had been able to do things that only the elite lighters could do, and even though this meant that she was strong, it made her more different than she could have ever imagined. Rayah went from being weak to possibly being as strong as a Gods Daughter, and she couldn’t tell anyone. The standard colors of a Lytonians powers are white, royal blue, and turquoise blue. Hers were black… Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the second installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective. **On Sale for Only .99 cents!!**Goodreads * Amazon

Destiny Hawkins is a multi-genre author with a dark imagination and a love for magic. She enjoys cooking, running, swimming, listening to music, reading, and of course watching anime filled with fantasy! Her favorite genres to read and work in are Fantasy, LGBT, Paranormal, Romance, Dystopian, Sci-fi, and young adult. After three years of writing she has published almost 20 books and she has many more coming! Website * Facebook * FB Group * Twitter * Instagram * Amazon * Goodreads

Gone. One minute Tristan was here, and the next he wasn’t. Only two days ago we watched the two
moons rise, and it was only two days ago when we almost kissed, but this morning he was taken away
from me, and I will never see him again. Once a student was made into a slave, it was forbidden for them
to ever see their friends or family again, and that was exactly what Tristan was going to be transitioned
into in only a few hours. They were going to strip him of his rank, disregard that he was born into the Vex
class, and put a collar around his neck that could kill him at the push of a button.
This morning two officers marched into Tristan’s dorm and dragged him out. I stood there, shocked,
as he kicked and screamed, begging for a second chance. He was a level five Vex, which would have
been alright if he hadn’t turned twenty today.
At the age of twenty, a student of Monroe Academy was to be tested on their lighter abilities and
hopefully advanced up to level six. Ever since Tristan was enrolled ten years ago, he’d never had trouble
leveling up, but this time he struggled to get his powers to strengthen. This time, the council didn’t
believe him strong enough to earn a level six patch, and now he had to serve his nation in another way.
He had to serve the high class Vexes and ensure their happiness. The happier the people, the lower the
chances of there ever being chaos in our world again.
At least that’s what we were taught.
The navy-blue leather suit I was wearing grew hot as I walked down the hall towards my dorm. All I
could think about was the terrified look on Tristan’s face as he was dragged away. We had only made eye
contact for a moment, but in that moment, I remembered the night he told me that the council had leveled
him up and were going to send him his level six patch to his dorm. They usually gave them out right
away, but Tristan said that they’d somehow run out and had to order more. Now I knew that he was only
lying keep me from worrying on our last night together, but I wished that he would’ve told me. I wished
that I would’ve been prepared for the aching pain growing in my chest.
My throat burned as a few of the other students passed me by, giving me dirty looks. I was sure that
most of them had blamed me for Tristan’s failure. I was a Null after all. Someone that couldn’t produce
even a speck of light. We were lighters, citizens of the Lighter Nation and beings that could produce an
energy-a light-that was taught to be used as a weapon to protect our nation from any outside enemies.
Lighters had to be strong, disciplined, and hard workers. If one couldn’t reach their required level at a
certain age, then they were done for. Given up on, and there were no second chances. At least for
everyone else. I was the only student ever given another opportunity to level up, but at a cost that would
forever weigh on my conscience.
The dorm hall had oddly cleared as I neared my door. I barely even took notice to how the few
students still lingering averted their eyes from me. Maybe they thought that any contact with a Null would
hinder them from advancing to the next level, or maybe they all recognized the haunted expression on my
face and couldn’t bear to look. Many had lost loved ones to our glorious society and could have been all
too familiar with the expression. One where the face paled and the eyes brimmed with tears, reddening
before the droplets even fell.
Finally arriving to my door, I swiped my card through the slot on the wall and waited for the door to
slide open. As soon as it did, I felt myself being roughly shoved inside and fell onto my hands and knees.
Before I could even get up, an arm wrapped around my throat, tightening so that not a drop of air could
get through, and when I heard the door slide shut behind me, alarms began to blare in my mind. This was
bad. Really bad. Not only would screaming for help be ineffective, but I couldn’t fight my attacker either.
“I told you that I would get you alone, didn’t I? Fucking Null.”

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