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September 17 is National Voter Registration Day – Luv Saving Money

September 17 is National Voter Registration Day

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On November 5th 2024, the American people will vote for their next president among other political positions. But in order to vote you need to be registered before the election. Each state has their own voter registration deadline.

According to NPR voter registration deadline in Pennsylvania is Monday October 21. That’s for all ways to register: online, by mail, or in person. NPR has a helpful list of deadlines for voter registration in each state and territory. Several are coming up soon . If you’re not sure if you’re registered they also have links to check your voter registration status for each state.

I’m here to call all Pennsylvanians to consider registering to vote. You can do it online, it takes less than 10 minutes, and you’ll get in before the October 21, 2024 deadline to register. And, of course, it’s free.

Pennsylvania online voter registration link

Pennsylvania is always a major factor in the presidential races. A swing state that has a whopping 20 electoral college votes. So if you think your vote doesn’t make a difference, think again.

If you’ve never voted before, the process is pretty simple. You can vote by mail or in person (but never both). I prefer to go in person. I’m in a small town so it usually only takes me a few minutes to get a ballot, fill it out and submit it. The poll workers are helpful in getting you your ballot, where to submit it, etc. Pay attention to the hours of your local polling places. In my experience, going earlier in the day, if possible, is better than waiting until the last two hours that your polling place is open.

If you’re curious about how many electoral votes your states has, you can checkout this helpful list from the National Archive.

Just FYI Puerto Rico, your voter registration deadline is September 21, 2024 so don’t delay in registering. The next one coming up will be South Carolina. South Carolina your in-person voter registration deadline will be October 4, 2024 followed by online voter registration deadline of Oct 6.

If you do not register by the deadline for your state you will not be able to vote in this year’s presidential election. So take the time to get registered or check your registration now!

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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