Censoring ██████ █████. The ██████ ███████ internet ███ ████. █████ is like ████ ███ having ██████. ███ duct tape ███ over your mouth. #sopa
Say no to SOPA. There are many articles online you can find about what SOPA is and how it will effect you. Yes, you, even if you’re not a blogger, even if you don’t own a website. It will effect everyone that uses big sites like Google, Facebook, Youtube and many many more. Here is one article I found on Cnet.com:
Write you’re congressman, sign a petition, whatever you like. Spread the word. Many sites went dark today in the protest of SOPA. Wikipedia for example is one. Also, you will get on Wikipedia but it will go dark with an explanation of SOPA and PIPA. There is also a field to type in your zip code to find your representatives to contact. If available they list their social media sites too so, please contact your local representative and tell them you oppose the SOPA and PIPA bill!