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Parenting, Working, Blogging, and Schooling..oh and an award nomination – Luv Saving Money

Parenting, Working, Blogging, and Schooling..oh and an award nomination

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I know there are a good number of you out there that have a full-plate.  Everyone’s plate is a little different.  For me I’m a wife and mom of 3 active and social boys.  I work outside my home in a hospital part-time.  I blog because I love it but it’s almost becoming a work at home job for me (which I’m grateful for).  My certification for my job requires that I have 36 continuing education credits every three years in order to keep up my certification.  This involves either taking continuing ed courses online, live conferences,  or packets that can be mailed in.

My work had given us an awesome opportunity to take a college course from our local community college that the hospital would pay for.  44 credits which is more than plenty for what I need for my next certification renewal.   I  jump on the rare opportunity then started thinking…how in the hay will I find time to do this?

For me, the saying, “Where there’s a will there’s a way” comes to mind.

I was just recently nominated for a Top Parenting Blog Award from  Many people who visit their site are moms and dads like some of us, looking to go back to school or take college courses.  As part of my nomination they asked me 2 questions.

1.  How would you describe your blog to readers of our site?

A:  In general, I write about ways to save money.  I’m also making an effort to live greener.  Not only for the ecological reason but also, because I found that living greener off leads to saving money either short term or long term.  I also review products/services to let my readers know if it’s worth spending their hard earned money on.

2.  What inspirational words or advice can you provide our student parents?

A:  With everything going on just remember to take time out for yourself.  Spending time with your family and working to keep food on the table is important.  Going back to school will better you for the long run.  But you’ll have trouble doing that if you don’t find some time for yourself.  If it’s a 1/2 a day a week, 20 minutes here and there, or whatever you can find, do it and don’t feel guilty for it. started giving awards about 2 years ago.  To quote eCollegefinder:
” Our nominees include blogs that address how to thrive as a mom or dad, through thick and thin, while keeping a sense of humor, remaining green, healthy, frugal, crafty, working, going to school, or just staying sane!”

To see past nominees and awards winners, go here:

I’m excited to be nominated and can’t wait to see what collection of blogs they will feature. 

***I wrote this post in respect to this blog’s award nomination. This was NOT a requirement for nomination.  I did not receive any compensation for this post.  In the event my blog is chosen for an award, this post will be featured on site.***

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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