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I decided to write this post today after reading a post on The post I’m referring to is here: I think she had a great idea. It started from a picture that was posted and making its rounds on facebook and other sites. I actually saw the post but the thread I participated in didn’t turn ugly like it did no some sites I guess.

You can see in the corner that the post is from It’s basically meant to show that not every mom does everything the same way and it’s ok. Too often I read posts about mom who sound like super moms. Make everything from scratch, can make a beautiful gift from sticks, berries, and some elmer’s glue, and keep a spotless house all while having 6 kids. I don’t begrudge that. But I think it’s important to remember that people also only make public what they want to make public. Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. So for me, here’s my list of “I”m not a perfect Mom confessions”
1. I work outside my home (I’ve been told by more than one person that that make me a bad mother)
2. I use disposable diapers
3. I only breast fed my kids for a few months each then switched to formula
4. Just like the picture above, all my boys were circumcised and if baby number 4 is a boy he will be too.
5. I forget myself sometimes and swear in front of my kids. They correct me
6. I allow my kids to have candy, ice cream, soda, and other treats. Not all the time but I do allow it
7. I sometimes like to sleep in on the weekend, the kids have become self sufficient in getting their own breakfast when needed.
8. I think boys there are double standards for boys just like there are for girls and women.
9 I don’t cook a meal from scratch every night and use box mixes sometimes.
10. My house is not spotless and does NOT look like a page in a Better Homes and Gardens Magazine.
11. I vaccinate all my children and will do so for baby #4
12. I let my kids eat in the living room
13. I listen to and let my kids listen to a variety of music, everything from classical to metal.
14. I allow my boys to play video games
15. I let them watch movies that aren’t PG (as long as I screen them first and make sure there’s no sex scenes or overuse of bad language)
11. I vaccinate all my children and will do so for baby #4
12. I let my kids eat in the living room
13. I listen to and let my kids listen to a variety of music, everything from classical to metal.
14. I allow my boys to play video games
15. I let them watch movies that aren’t PG (as long as I screen them first and make sure there’s no sex scenes or overuse of bad language)
I could probably add more but I have to stop somewhere. The point is, every mom is different. Every child is different. I wish moms could be more supportive of each other instead of so quick to judge. I don’t always agree with something someone else is doing but try to accept it. I figure as long as the child is not in harms way and my child is not in harms way because of a decision a mother makes then let’s try to just get along.
If you want to make your own “I’m not perfect” list, you can link up with all the other mom’s on Life with Levi:
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