Margaret of Wessex The Legendary Women of World History Book 10 by Laurel A. Rockefeller Genre: Historical Fiction
The 11th century was a dangerous time to be of the line unbroken of King Æthelred II Unread and his first queen, Æfgifu of York. Born in Hungary after King Canute III’s failed attempt to murder her father, Edward the Exile, Margaret found her life turned upside down by King Edward the Confessor’s discovery of her father’s survival — and the resulting recall of her family to England.
Now a political hostage only kept alive for as long as it served powerful men’s interests, Margaret and her family found King Máel Coluim mac Donnchadh Ceann Mhor (Malcolm III Canmore)’s invitation to his court in Dunfermline in Alba the long-awaited answer to her prayers.
Scotland would never be the same again.
Includes two family tree charts, an expansive timeline covering over three thousand years of Pictish and medieval history, plus Roman Catholic prayers, and a bibliography so you can keep learning.
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Born, raised, and educated in Lincoln, Nebraska USA Laurel A. Rockefeller is author of over twenty-five books published and self-published since August, 2012 with editions spanning across ten languages and counting. A dedicated scholar and biographical historian, Ms. Rockefeller is passionate about education and improving history literacy worldwide.
With her lyrical writing style, Laurel’s books are as beautiful to read as they are informative.
In her spare time, Laurel enjoys spending time with her cockatiels, travelling to historic places, and watching classic motion pictures and classic television series. Favorites: Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Babylon 5.
Laurel proudly supports Health in Harmony, The Arbor Day Foundation, and other charities working to protect and re- plant forests globally.
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Spring came to England, Margaret’s very first. After enjoying a sunny day for Easter
mass with the king and queen, Margaret found herself surprised by the constantly changing
weather that seemed to move effortlessly between rain, sleet, and the occasional light snow
flurries. Taking breakfast with her parents, brother, and sister, Margaret looked to God for help
adapting to her new surroundings. As beautiful as Winchester was, it still did not yet feel like
home. For one, the city streets were all laid out on a grid, a residual from when the English
capital was a Roman city. Though Winchester fell in disrepair after the Romans left, House
Wessex restored it to make it one of the finest towns in the south. At just 15 miles north of
Southampton, the location was well suited to travel by both land and sea—without the marshy
bogs of the Thames to deal with out east.
“Margaret, come quick!” yelled Cristina as Margaret knelt at the altar in her room to
“What’s wrong?” asked Margaret as she crossed herself and rose from her kneeling
“Something’s wrong with father,” cried Cristina.
Margaret took her sister’s hand and followed her to the garden outside. Earl Harold
Godwinson of Wessex stood over the figure of what seemed to be a man. Reaching them,
Margaret looked down to see her father’s face, “What happened?”
Earl Harold met Margaret’s eyes, “We were talking about his responsibilities as the
Ætheling when suddenly he fell down dead.”
Margaret crouched down and touched her father’s cooling face. Touching his neck she
felt no pulse, “He’s gone! Just like that!” Margaret rose to her feet, shock and half disbelief
filling her. “What do we do now?”
“I will send for some servants to lay him out properly. A priest will come and pray for
him. Then we will arrange for his funeral and burial. In a few days the king will make the official
declaration making your brother Edgar his new heir, though in truth the Witan has the final say
in who assumes the throne. Should the king die this year, it is doubtful the Witan would give the
throne to Edgar. He’s too young to even hold a sword, let alone lead our armies against a
foreign invasion,” explained Harold.
“Who then will the Witan choose if my brother is too young to rule?” asked Margaret
“That I think only God knows, Margaret. Perhaps you should ask him?” suggested the
earl deceitfully.
“That I shall do,” agreed Margaret as she turned and left, her sister Cristina almost
running to catch up with her as she returned to her room.
Closing the door, Cristina eyed her coolly, “Our father dies and all you can think of is
the succession? What’s wrong with you, Margaret?”
Margaret paced her bedroom pensively, “What’s wrong with me? Did you at all look at
the man? He wants to be king, Cristina. I could hear it in his voice. He is absolutely confident
Edgar will never rule England as king. I’m betting if the worst were to happen, this Harold
Godwinson would be able to persuade the Witan into choosing him. At least that is what he is
preparing to do. Harold is gathering his resources so that no matter what our great uncle wants
for the future, he will be in charge. It’s what his father Godwin did. You really think our pious
great-uncle handled the day to day administration of his realm? You would have to be either
ignorant or stupid or both to believe that.”
“And Queen Edith?” asked Cristina.
“She is the earl’s brother, a daughter of Godwin of Wessex. We must expect her alliance
to be stronger with her family than with ours.”
“I hope you are wrong, Margaret. I hope people are kinder and more generous than you
give them credit for. I do not think I could live in the world you choose to see. Politics is not for
Margaret hugged her sister, “A sign of what God wants for your life, Cristina. But for
mine, I expect affairs of state to continue to be front and centre in my daily life. As much as I
think I would like the peace and quiet of a convent, I do not think that is God’s calling for me.”
1 $15 Amazon Gift Card 1 signed paperback copy of Margaret of Wessex 1 audiobook: choice of Hypatia of Alexandria (English) or Catalina de Valois (Spanish)
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