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Looking For A Natural Way To Relax? Take5 Drink – Luv Saving Money

Looking For A Natural Way To Relax? Take5 Drink

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We’ve all seen the tens of energy drinks available out there. But what about if you just want to relax. Maybe you’re nervous about a speech you have coming up.  Maybe you’re meeting the SO’s family. Perhaps you have a big test coming up.  Maybe you’re so busy you forget what it’s like to relax when you have the chance.  That’s where Take5 Drink can help.

For me it was a busy Memorial Day weekend. It started off it was just going to be the regular local family coming. Then my husband drops it on me he invited some people from work. Then some out-of-town guests were in the area and stopped by. Don’t get me wrong, I love having the space to be able to host and I love seeing friends and family but our guest list went from about 20 to 39 within a couple days. We just moved into our house in October. There were people coming that hadn’t seen our house yet. I wanted everything to be as perfect as can be with 4 kids living in it. I cleaned like a mad women, prepped, shopped, and hosted. It all turned out great but man I was busy.

bacon roast collage

Of course after such an event is clean up, getting kids to bed, etc. I slept well that night but the next day I still felt a bit stressed. There were still thing to do like taking down the volleyball net, figuring out what belonged to whom with the things that were left behind. I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to try Take5 Drink!  Especially since I also had a bunch of work to get done with my blog.


Take5 has a light fruity flavor. Not super sweet like I expected. It was rather refreshing.  It worked surprisingly well and didn’t take that long for me to feel a difference. That’s not the only good things about this drink though.

Take5 is an all natural drink. It uses superfood ingredients like the L-Theanine, an amino acid in green tea along with other superfood ingredients to give you a zen-like feeling after drinking Take5.   Take5 is non-drowsy, zero calories, caffeine free, and lasts for up to 4 hours.

If you’re still not sure about it, Take5 has a 30 day money back guarantee. If it doesn’t work for you, they’ll give you a full refund.

Take5 worked so well for me.  The next day I was heading to my son’s 8th grade promotion ceremony.  My son’s going to been in high school next year I can’t believe it!  I was already a bit emotional and then I had to take my 3 year old daughter a long with me. I had no idea if she would be able to sit through the ceremony. I also wanted to make sure I got pictures.  So I downed a Take5 Drink before I went.  Honestly I don’t know if I’ve ever been so focused having a toddler, ceremony, and trying to grab pics at the same time.

All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go…With A Toddler

I got some momento pics. I made it through without crying, and actually felt pretty calm afterward. This stuff really works!

You can order Take5 on the Take5 website. Free shipping in the US  You can also find Take5 on Facebook and you can find Take5 on Instagram.

Tell me a time where you wish you would have had a Take5 Drink handy.

I received the above mentioned product at no cost in order to complete an honest review. Any opinions expressed are my own. 

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

4 thoughts on “Looking For A Natural Way To Relax? Take5 Drink”

  1. I could have used this at my son’s last football game last year. It was a state semi-finals game. It was in late November. It was cold. It was rainy. It was over 3 hours away. It was at a crappy stadium with crappy concessions and dirty bathrooms. And they lost.

  2. I’m glad the drink worked for you, especially because you had such a busy, emotional few days. Congratulations to your son!

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