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Inspiring Goal Smasher Story: Delayne Thompson of It Works! – Luv Saving Money

Inspiring Goal Smasher Story: Delayne Thompson of It Works!

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I “met” Delayne Thompson via Instagram.  I was impressed with her approach to introduce me to It Works! If I’m to be honest I wasn’t even thinking about It Works! but she approached me in such a way that was pure professionalism. Scrolling through her instagram account I could see how much she truly believed in her product and her ability to make It Works! a full-time career.  But I’ll let Delayne do the rest of the talking:

Hey y’all my name is Delayne Thompson and this is my it works journey… so far!

My It works! journey started just a little over two months ago when I got laid off from my full time job at a credit union, and had absolutely no idea what I was going to do! I had been using it works products for a while and absolutely loving them and the results I got from them. I was SO SCARED to pay the $99 start up fee to become a distributor!


I’ve seen so many successful people from It Works! but was afraid to take that leap of faith! I sat down and prayed about it for a while and realized, what do I have to lose? If I sign up and fail, at least I made my start up fee back from the wraps in my starter kit, or this could completely change me and my families life…. and oh did it! I started hoping to make maybe an extra $500 a month, just enough to keep our heads above the water! But two months in and I’m already making MORE than what I was at my full time 8-5 job! Plus I’m getting to stay home with my baby AND do a job that I LOVE, helping people and CHANGING LIVES!

I have already surpassed my original goals for the next YEAR in just TWO MONTHS, so I decided to make my goals A LOT bigger! I want to be a Triple Diamond Leader for it works, making an average of $10,000 A MONTH!!! (How crazy would that be!!) I want to pay off my brand new car that I just bought and my husband’s truck! I want to get COMPLETELY out of debt this year! I also want to pay for my DREAM wedding and honey moon in CASH! Lastly, I want to take my husband and I on the It Works! 7 day cruise in November for FREE!

Working a 9-5 job is NOT for everyone. So if you’re miserable with what you’re doing, or just want to make a little extra cash to keep your head above water, we need to talk!

Our products are one of a kind, natural, and THEY WORK! Our company has been around for over 20 years because of not only how amazing our products our, but how genuine and personal our customer care is! So if you have goals you want to reach, no matter big or small, whatever it may be, we need to talk and get you on the right track to reach your goals in 2017!

To check out our products, or to join my team, visit;

Or contact me:

On facebook Delayne Thompson

On instagram @Delayne Thompson


Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker