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How do you help keep your family cold and flu free? – Luv Saving Money

How do you help keep your family cold and flu free?

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I work in a hospital.  It’s drilled into our heads how to prevent carrying germs from one person to another as well as preventing taking things home with us.  When school started back in session I use a lot of these tips to try and keep my family healthier.

Washing your hands or at least using an anti-bacterial waterless cleaner

I know this one is always brought up.  With good reason though.  Think of all the thinks you fingers and hands touch.  Things like phones, keyboards, faucets, toilet flush handles, door knobs, etc where they may be used by multiple people  It’s kinda gross if you really think about it.  On second thought, maybe it’s best not to think about it.  While you may wash your hands every time you use the bathroom or sneeze, there are a few who don’t.  Even at home I encourage my kids to wash their hands in the bathroom and after touching raw foods.  Also, anytime they sneeze. I try to keep fun scented hand soaps around.  I try to show them by example as well. My toddler loves to wash his hands too when he sees me washing.

Anti-bacterial rubs or waterless hand sanitizers are great to keep in your purse or diaper bag as long as little hands can’t get to them.  I got a cute little holder from bath and body works and stocked up on a few of their mini hand sanitizers last time they had a sale.

Disinfecting “high touch” surfaces

Even in your own home.  Think about the kids coming home from school after being around other kids and touching who knows what.  Then opening the front door.   Do your kids ALWAYS remember to wash their hands when they leave the bathroom.  Think about what could be on the door knobs or the toilet flush.  How about the landline phone (if you still have one).  Maybe your make up wears off on the phone.  Maybe your daughter who talks for hours has a cough.  Disinfect these areas with cleaner or a product like Lysol.  Don’t forget our keyboards and cell phones too!

Eating Properly and drinking enough fluids

Let’s face it, if we’re not eating and drinking well, our body’s immune system isn’t as strong to fight off colds, flus, and who knows what else.  Making sure your body gets the healthy foods it needs to function at full capacity is important.  Drinking plenty of water, juice, and milk is important too.  You can talk to your doctor too.  He may recommend a multi-vitamin or another supplement if you don’t feel you are getting what you need.

A clean home is a healthy home

Dust and pet dander can build up even in hard to reach places.  I do a very thorough clean at least once a year but usually twice.  I call it my spring cleaning and fall cleaning.  I move furniture to make sure it’s vacuumed and scrubbed underneath, wipe down my walls, move the refridgerator and sweep and mom underneath, and completely clean out the fridge.  Mold can grow easily in a damp area.  All of these nasty things in a house can make you feel worse and even causing breathing problems for some. Don’t forget to go through cupboards and throw out things that may be expired.

Other preventatives

I know this is a hot topic. Each mother needs to do what feels right for their family . I believe in the flu vaccine.  My hospital really pushes to have employees get the flu shot.  They give them to us for free if we want them.  I never would get them before.  Then I found out my middle son has asthma.  His asthma is triggered by the flu, bad cold, or other respiratory infections.  He ended up in the hospital every year for about 2 or 3 years due to his asthma directly related to the flu.  His pediatrician recommended the flu shot.  Said he really needed one.  I hate for my kids to get shots if they don’t have to so I finally broke down and got both him and I the flu shot that year.  It was the first year he didn’t have to go into the hospital due to asthma because of the flu.  I have got everyone in our family one since then.  I’m happy to say my son has not had any serious asthma attacks that landed him in the hospital.

Again, I’m not here to tell you what’s right and what’s wrong.  I’m simply stated what worked for my family under the circumstances.  For me, the rare side effect that might be caused by a flu vaccine did not compare to seeing my son in an oxygen tent with blue lips with me wondering how long he would be in and worrying for days at his side.

I’d love to hear your ideas for helping to keep your family cold and flu free.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Lysol blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker