I’m participating in a multi-blog Holiday Gift Giving Guide Dec. 1 to Dec. 5, 2010. I am in need of companies, etsy shops, etc willing to sponsor a gift card, gift code, e-gift certificate,or cash via paypal for this event. The requirement to participate is for the items listed not products for this particular event.
This event will draw hundreds of readers to the Holiday Gift Giving Guide blog event. In exchange for your sponsorship I will create a post to show case your business before the actual event. You will be linked in the actual Holiday giveaway post I create on my blog. I can also post a small banner ad in my right column for your business for the month of November and December if you’d like. I also tweet my giveaways daily.
I you aren’t interested in being a sponsor for this event on my blog please contact me: angiewith3 at live dot com
Please don’t hesitate if you have questions as well. This would be an excellent way to market your business cost effectively for the holidays.
Sincerely, Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More