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Etherya’s Earth Series Book Tour & Giveaway – Luv Saving Money

Etherya’s Earth Series Book Tour & Giveaway

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The End of Hatred Etherya’s Earth Book 1 by Rebecca Hefner Genre: Paranormal Romance

These are dangerous times on Etherya’s Earth… Slayer Princess Miranda, heir to the throne, has hated the Vampyres for a thousand years. Since the Awakening, she’s fought to protect her people, choosing to be a warrior more than a royal. When a female Vampyre washes up on the shore of her compound’s riverbank, she seizes the moment to take the offensive. Sathan, King of the Vampyres, distraught at his sister’s disappearance and captivity, agrees to travel with Miranda to resect the Blade of Pestilence, also hoping to change his people’s state of endless war. Although the woman hates him due to the constant raids on her compound for the Slayers’ life-giving blood, he can’t help but admire the stubborn and strong princess. As their journey progresses, both begin to understand that they are aligned in their hatred of Crimeous, leader of the Deamons, as well as their hope for peace between the Slayers and Vampyres. Determined to fight their growing attraction, they forge a tentative truce. But old wounds run deep and trust is scarce. Their faith in each other must remain strong or all will be lost… **The Etherya’s Earth series is best read in order, so that the reader can enjoy the evolution of the characters. After all, the author loves a good twist and wants the reader to uncover them organically. However, readers of romance rest assured that each book has its own featured hero/heroine and HEA.**Only .99 cents!!**Add to Goodreads Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo

The Elusive Sun Etherya’s Earth Book 2

Lila, a high-born aristocrat of the Vampyre kingdom, was betrothed to Sathan, King of the Vampyres, for a thousand years. The betrothal, declared by the goddess Etherya, was deemed unbreakable. Although she cared for Sathan, and loved him as her king, secretly her heart yearned for his brother. When Sathan falls for another, Lila ends the betrothal, terrified at what her life will become now that she won’t be queen. Latimus has loved Lila since they played together on the grassy riverbank as children. Knowing that his brother was the better man, he never begrudged his betrothal to the woman he secretly loved. Now that Sathan has married another, Latimus becomes aware of Lila’s feelings. Determined to push her into the arms of a worthier man, he believes that a war-torn army commander such as he could never offer her the life she deserves. As the war against the Deamons rages, Latimus fights for his people, protecting them against the evil Dark Lord Crimeous. When Lila suffers a brutal attack, Latimus is shaken to his core. Determined to avenge her, he acknowledges the emotion that has always burned for her in his blackened heart. But Lila has moved on and as the war ensues he worries that it might be too late to claim her… Add to GoodreadsAmazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo

The Darkness Within Etherya’s Earth Book 3

Arderin, princess of the illustrious Vampyre kingdom, has always marched to the beat of her own drum. Motivated by a calling to heal others, frustration consumes her since her brother, King Sathan, doesn’t understand her desire to study medicine in the human world. Moreover, the son of the Dark Lord Crimeous has moved onto their compound and he seems obsessed with driving her absolutely insane. Hating him for his sharp tongue and dark nature, she tries to squelch her unwelcome attraction to him. Darkrip has been enthralled by Arderin since the night he knocked her unconscious and sent her down the river, prompting the end of the War of the Species. Never has he met a woman more beautiful and passionate. Frustrated by her dramatics and consumed by his desire for her, he vows to stay away. For the son of Crimeous, with his malevolent blood, could never have children or a normal life. When Crimeous threatens both their lives, forcing them into a shared captivity, they do everything they can to escape and survive. As their connection grows, so does their attraction. Knowing they have no future together, and the consequences of furthering their relationship would be disastrous, they forge ahead in the conflict against the Dark Lord. But the Universe is fickle and can muddle with even the best laid intentions… Add to Goodreads Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo

The Reluctant Savior Etherya’s Earth Book 4

Evie, daughter of virtuous Princess Rina and malicious Deamon King Crimeous, is a woman torn in half. The first centuries of her life taught her fervent lessons about pain and suffering. For ages, she suppressed her mother’s noble blood, crafting a reality where she was drifting alone, needing no one. Until an ancient prophecy calls to her, possibly creating a purpose for her squalid existence. Kenden has commanded the Slayer army for a thousand years. Strong, cunning and loyal, he longs for the day when Crimeous has been defeated and he can settle down to build a family. Focused on conquering the Dark Lord, he is stunned when Evie makes a brazen demand that must be fulfilled before she chooses to fight with them. Although incensed by Evie’s ultimatum, Kenden has never desired a woman more than the flame-haired vixen. Though she stirs his ire, he also has a deep well of compassion for the beauty who suffered so much trauma centuries ago. Together they train and by night their connection grows, building toward the moment when they will battle her father. But, in the end, Evie has a choice and struggles to espouse righteousness over malevolence. For when one’s worst fears are exposed, the evil is so much easier to embrace… Add to Goodreads Amazon * B&N * Kobo

Rebecca Hefner grew up in Western NC and now calls the Hudson River of NYC home. In her youth she would sneak into her mother’s bedroom and raid the bookshelf, falling in love with the stories of Judith McNaught, Sandra Brown and Nora Roberts. Years later that love of a good romance, with lots of great characters and conflicts, has extended to her other favorite authors such as JR Ward and Lisa Kleypas. Also a huge Game of Thrones and Star Wars fan, she loves an epic fantasy and a surprise twist (Luke, he IS your father). One day, over a decade ago, she began writing her own stories and recently mustered the courage to leave her corporate medical device sales job and become a full-time author. Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

Early the next evening, they were set to depart, and Lila gave Yemik a warm embrace. Latimus watched her from
the train. She’d been cold to him during the hour that led up to the departure. Maybe she’d finally realized that he
would never allow himself to be with her in the way that she needed. Feeling extra grumpy, he scowled at her as she
entered the train.
“I’m going to sit in the next car with the soldiers while we ride to Lynia,” she said, her chin held high. By the
goddess, she was so regal.
“Fine,” he said, clenching his jaw as she breezed past him.
Minutes passed as he fidgeted on his tablet, missing her smell. She always seemed to use some flowery shampoo
on her long hair, and it drove him wild. Finally, they arrived at Lynia, and she bounded from the train to meet the
compound’s governor, Breken.
After they embraced, she greeted the female reporter and cameraman, and Breken walked them from the platform
up to the surface.
“As you know, we’re not as formal here as the other compounds. Our main house only has six rooms and,
unfortunately, we can’t house you there. We’ve arranged for you both to stay in one of the cabins out by the wall. It’s
only a ten-minute walk from the town square, and we’ve installed a phone in each cottage that can contact the main
house’s servants at any time.”
“That’s perfectly fine,” Lila said, smiling up at him. “We appreciate your hospitality.”
The next several hours were consumed with her diplomatic activities at the main square until dawn was fast
They exchanged pleasantries with the townspeople and bid good night to Breken. Hopping in a four-wheeler, one
of Latimus’ Lynia-based Vampyre soldiers drove them to the cabins. The soldier deposited Lila’s massive bag into her
cabin, and she disappeared inside.
Settling into his own cottage, Latimus realized that he had finally succeeded in pushing her away. The thought
should’ve been comforting. Instead, he felt empty. After prepping for bed, he lay on the king-sized bed, reminding
himself that he lived in a world of his own making. He was doing what was best for her.
During their time at Lynia, the hours had bled into each other as he guarded her, always in the shadows. She
dazzled the men and women of the compound with her glowing smile and kind disposition. He longed for the trip to
end, so he could forget the sway of her hips as she walked and the glistening of her fangs as she’d spoken to him in the
moonlight at Naria. She’d been so cold and aloof with him since they left Naria, it unsettled something in him.
As he stood outside his cottage during their last night at Lynia, he heard the door of her nearby cabin close.
Straining, he heard Lila talking on the phone.
“Thank you, Sathan. I think it’s what’s best for me right now. Although I miss everyone at Astaria terribly, I just
need some space.”
There was a pause, and then, “Absolutely. I’ll let him know. I will. Talk soon.”
Moments later, the click of her cabin door sounded, and he felt his eyebrows draw together. What was she
discussing with his brother?
Restless, he entered his cabin to pour some Slayer blood into the metal goblet that sat on the little table beside his
bed. Soft knocks sounded on his door, and he opened it, knowing he’d find her.
He was only wearing a pair of sweatpants and watched her eyes dart over his naked chest. Lifting her gaze, she
said, “I need to speak to you.”
Opening the door wider, he let her breeze past him.
“I’m not going to back to Astaria. At least, not tonight. I’ve already spoken with Sathan, and he’s approved my
stay here. I need a few weeks to clear my head after the trip. He asked that you leave two Slayer soldiers behind to
guard me.”
Latimus slowly sipped from his goblet, processing her words. “It’s not safe for a lone female to stay behind in an
unprotected cottage on our smallest compound.”
“As I said, two soldiers will be stationed outside my cabin at all times. I’ll be perfectly safe.”
“I don’t like it. Crimeous has many spies. I don’t want you left vulnerable.”
Her perfect nostrils flared, and twin splotches of anger appeared on her cheeks. “Well, it’s not your choice. I’ve
already spoken to Sathan. You and the other two Slayer soldiers are set to depart in three hours. I’m exhausted, so I’m
heading to bed early. I just wanted you to know I wouldn’t be with you.”

She walked past him toward the door, and he grabbed her arm. “Lila—”
“Don’t touch me,” she said, shaking off his grip. Fury swam in her gorgeous eyes. “You’ve made it abundantly
clear that you want nothing more than to be free of my company. Well, here’s your chance. Safe travels home.”
Stalking toward the door, she shut it behind her.
Latimus looked to the ceiling, praying for patience, irritated by her regal haughtiness. Lifting his phone from the
table beside his bed, he called his brother.
“Latimus. I trust Lila told you of her plan?”
“It’s not wise to leave her here alone, Sathan. She’ll be exposed. Especially as an aristocrat on a laborers’
“I want you to leave two of the Slayer soldiers with her. They’ll be able to protect her.”
Latimus pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, annoyed. “I don’t like it.”
“Sorry to hear that, but it’s her choice. I’ll see you when you arrive at dawn. Arderin is excited to see you.”
Sighing, he shook his head at his brother’s stubbornness. “Fine. See you in a few hours.”
Restless, he packed his things and cleaned the various weapons he’d brought with him. An hour before dawn, he
knocked on Lila’s cabin door. After a minute, she opened it, her eyes swollen with sleep. By the goddess, she was
breathtaking, even upon waking up. How was that possible?
He pushed inside and lay several weapons on the wooden table that sat by the door. “This is a Glock, this is an AR-
15 and this is a TEC,” he said, pointing to the various objects. “I’m going to show you how to use them and leave them
here with you.”
“I need some additional peace of mind that you’ll have protection. Don’t fight me on this.”
“Okay,” she said, her throat bobbing up and down as she swallowed. Her thin arms were crossed over her silky
white robe, thrusting her voluptuous breasts toward him. Reminding himself of his purpose, he set about showing her
how to use the weapons.
Fifteen minutes later, it was time for him to depart for the train. He’d already informed the two Slayer soldiers that
they were to stay outside her cabin and guard her at all times. Looking down at her, he was enveloped by a wave of
sadness. Unable to lie to himself, he realized that he would miss her terribly.
“Be safe,” he said.
“I will.”
Left with no more words to say, he pivoted and stalked from her cabin. He and the two Slayer soldiers rode the
four-wheeler to the platform and departed for Astaria. Sitting on the train, he rubbed his hand over his chest, cursing
his heart. If he didn’t know better, he would think it was broken.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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