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Darkness Falls Book Tour & Giveaway – Luv Saving Money

Darkness Falls Book Tour & Giveaway

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Darkness Falls Nature’s Fury #1 by AE Faulkner Genre: YA Dystopian

As nature tires of human destruction, two sisters must face a changing environment that stands between them and survival. When Quinn and Riley set out on a family vacation with their parents, the trip ends before it begins. Mother Nature interferes with their plans, setting off a sequence of events that thrusts the teens into a hostile landscape. Stranded, with limited supplies, struggling to figure out who they can trust along the way, they must determine how to survive nature’s evolving fury. Goodreads * Amazon

AE Faulkner is a young adult dystopian author. Her debut novel, Darkness Falls, is the first book in the Nature’s Fury series, which explores the Earth’s response to humans poisoning her streams, abusing her animals and destroying her beauty. She has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Millersville University and a master’s degree in advertising, public relations & journalism from Temple University. Although she escaped in books as a child, college textbooks sucked the fun out of reading. Years later, The Hunger Games trilogy became the spark that rekindled her love of books. After devouring that series, she quickly became captivated by dystopian novels. After several years of reading them, she decided to take a stab at writing one that combined her love for nature with her fear of human destruction Website * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads

“Aidan, man, we should probably get going soon,” Jeff says, pulling me away from the
threatening spiral of memories. His interruption is a welcome distraction.
“You’re right,” Aidan says, his eyes locked with mine. “But before we go, Quinn, you need to
know, you’re not safe here. Do you have somewhere else to go?”
“What are you talking about?” My head volleys back and forth between the guys. Jeff runs a
hand through his short brown hair and exhales a sigh. He leans in conspiratorially and says in a hushed
voice, “Look, we’ve been checking out the unoccupied homes around here. You know, just borrowing
things to help us get by. But one of the trailers we went to, we thought it was empty…”
Aidan finishes for him. “Quinn, one of your neighbors is dead. We thought the trailer was
vacant, so we went inside. We grabbed some canned food and other stuff from the kitchen and then we
went to the bedroom to see if there were any blankets and pillows.”

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Mini Quinn Backpack!

Mini Riley Backpack! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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