I’m a member of the Coffee Mate Brew Crew. Brew Crew members help spread the word about Coffee Mate and it’s products. You don’t have to be a blogger to be a part of the Coffee Mate Brew Crew. Brew Crew members get perks like free product coupons, chances to host parties, and lots more. When you complete optional activities you can earn points. Trade your points in at the Brew Crew store for rewards of gift cards like Amazon, Walmart, Target , and more.

To be a member of the Coffee Mate Brew Crew I have to test to see if you’re really a Coffee Mate fan. The more questions you answer correctly the greater your chances are of winning a spot on the Brew Crew. I’m going to leave the quiz questions in the rafflecopter that way the answers aren’t posted for all to see. Please leave your answers in the each field on the rafflecopter form. I’m going to leave the quiz open for 1 week. Feel free to search the internet and do your homework.
I’m going to choose the top 2 people who answer the most questions correctly to win an invite to the Coffee Mate Brew Crew. Once you’re invited you’ll fill out your info on the Coffee Mate Brew Crew invite site and earn a coupon for a FREE bottle of Coffee Mate creamer right away. But don’t worry, they’ll be lots more benefits to come.
This challenge is open to US residents. Winners will be drawn from correct number of responses.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
<a href=”http://rafl.es/enable-js”>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.
I’d love to be a Coffee Mate Brew Crew member because my day can’t even begin without some good java, and Coffee Mate has a TON to do with what makes a cup of joe a perfect way to start the day. It’s creamy, tasty and can turn and ordinary cup of coffee into a treat. Being able to share my network on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and my blog would be totally rad. This girl loves being in the know when the good stuff is happening!
I would love to be Coffee Mate Brew Crew member because I love the taste of Coffee Mate coffee in the morning to start my day. Coffee Mate has a lot of different flavors that I haven’t tried yet but would LOVE to. I love sharing any new product that I try with my friends and family whether in person or online via the numerous social networks I am a part of. Thanks for the chance!
I would love to be a Coffee Mate Brew Crew because I love Coffee Mate !! I use it in my coffee and I use the original powder in my tea.I only like coffees with flavors and Coffee Mate gives you a good variety to choose from.I love to try new products and tell people about it.
I love Coffee Mate, and so does the hubby. We use it when we make tea. I love adding a little vanilla and then the original.
royalegacy at gmail
I would love to be Coffee Mate Brew Crew member because I am a long time Coffee Mate user! I start every morning with a cup of coffee, and every morning I add some Coffee Mate. I was so excited when they introduced the Natural Bliss line, because I was feeling guilty about drinking so much of the regular creamer (which I still love, by the way).
I would love to be a Coffee Mate Brew Crew Member because every day i start my day with a fresh cup of coffee with coffee mate and throughout the day im drinking it as well.Id love to be a member because i love standing by with the brands i love and especially telling friends and family about their wonderful yummy products.
i would love to be a member because I love their products!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com