As a Doterra Wellness Advocate I know what using essential oils safely can do. Essential oils have helped me with my depression, anxiety, and even helped ease some of my stomach issues. I’ve used them to clear up chapped lips and ease fevers. Using essential oils that are 100% pure like Doterra can naturally help with a lot of issues if used properly.
Today I want to talk about Hot Oils. I never heard the term until I became a Doterra Wellness Advocate. I figure, If I hadn’t heard of it, there’s probably a few others out there that haven’t.
What are Hot Oils?
Hot Oils are essential oils that should not be applied directly to the skin. They can literally give a hot even burning feeling if applied directly. So what do you do with hot oils when you want to apply them to the skin? An oil like Thyme is considered a hot oil but can help ease discomfort of athlete’s foot among other things. So of course you would want to apply Thyme to your feet. You would use a carrier oil in this case. Remember that pure essential oils are up to 100x concentrated. They do have effects on the body. Similar to medications, if used improperly won’t have the desired effect.
What is a Carrier Oil?
Carrier oils are oils like coconut oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, or even olive oil just to name a few. You would put a drop of Thyme in with a carrier oil to massage it onto your skin. I like to use 1 drop of hot oil to 1 tablespoon ratio when dealing with hot oils.
Doterra makes a wonderful fractionated coconut oil that is a carrier oil. Kits like the Aromatouch kit come with a bottle of fractionated coconut oil. You can also just buy a bottle of coconut oil individually.

Which oils are Hot Oils?
Hot oils include: Oregano, Thyme, Clove, Cinnamon/Cinnamon bark, Cassia, Hyssop, and Ocotea. The last two, Doterra does not yet carry but I think it’s important to list them as I know some people will search “hot oils” not necessarily for the Doterra brand.
Carrier oils can be used with all essential oils and still get the benefit of the essential oil. If you have sensitive skin, want to cover a larger area of your body, or are unsure about an oil use a carrier oil. ALWAYS read the labels of essential oils. Some are hot oils, some should not be ingested, and some you should avoid sun exposure with.
Doterra Wellness Advocates like me are here to answer your questions too. Lord knows I don’t know everything but I have an amazing sponsor I can turn to and wonderful resources including contacting Doterra directly. I want you to have a positive experience using Doterra essential oils. I’m here to help.
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