a single, independent woman who prides herself on her own success.
But when she’s asked by her best friend Laura to be the
Maid of Honor in her wedding, Kassandra finds herself
questioning her lifestyle. Helping Laura plan the wedding
is no problem—she’s done it before for all their other friends.
The first time was a blast, the second super fun, but doing it
without receiving any help from the rest of the girls gets old really
when Kassandra discovers who her friend’s fiancé really
is, and she’s torn between supporting Laura’s future
happiness and hiding the deeply buried, intimate past she shares with
the groom-to-be. Struggling to be the bigger person and do all the
hard work on her own, Kassandra finds surprising comfort inJosh, the best man in the wedding and someone she’s been avoiding for
years. He’s charming, thoughtful, handsome, and the worst kind of
womanizer, but she just can’t seem to stay away. All the
while,Kassandra can’t help wondering if the wedding could be any
more cliché—until she finds unexpected ways to change things up a
.99 cents!!**
The Bridesmaid’s Checklist Book 2
single friend got married in the summer. But even if Kassandra
herself is the only unmarried girl in the pack, she isn’t singleanymore. Now that all her friends are married and all the wedding
planning is over, she has a chance to concentrate in her relationship
with Josh. Or so she thought until Marisol visits her with
a major, life-changing crisis. Helping her friends plan their wedding
was no problem─dealing with an unexpected pregnancy is a whole
other thing.
Kassandra is unable to decide the best way to
help Marisol, especially when her relationship with Josh reaches
a level of commitment she wasn’t expecting. Both girls will have to
remember the past in order to move their relationships
Destiny is full of surprises, and sometimes, the plans
you have aren’t laid out on the path set before
Join Kassandra and Marisol as they
remember how they planned Sol’s wedding while they solve together
the difficulties in the present.
.99 cents!!**
Bridesmaid’s Checklist Book 3
never thought she’d be in another committed relationship, but now
she’s living with her boyfriend Josh. Things can’t get any
better. But they can get worse.
has dropped a major bomb on her, confessing she believes her husband
is having an affair. Kassandra is always ready to help a friend, but
accepting that one of their marriages isn’t working goes against
everything she believes about the people she loves. Wanting to help
their friend overcome this difficult situation and provide Natalie
the support she needs, Kassandra and the girls pull a lot of strings
to help Natalie uncover the truth. In the process, Kassandra
discovers remarkable similarities between Josh’s recent changes and
those in Natalie’s allegedly cheating husband. She’s always been
an independent woman who prides herself on her own success, and when
she digs up one dirty secret after another, she can’t help but
wonder if her man’s womanizing days are really behind
love makes us twist reality to avoid hurting those we hold closest to
our hearts. Join Kassandra and Natalie as they struggle to reconcile
their fears in love with the truth.
.99 cents!!**
Castle loves reading, writing, and painting. She’s on a quest to find
the words, forms, and colors to materialize the worlds and people of
her imagination. She loves reading Romance, especially Young Adult,
New Adult, Contemporary, and Paranormal. She never saw herself as an
incurable romantic, but lately, that’s what she finds herself musing
about. Love is found everywhere, regardless of whether it comes from
a nice person or an ass—mundane or even vampire.
she’s not busy with work, in front of a computer placing many
thoughts in order, she does her best to be creative or relax with a
good TV series and snacks. Some of her favorite characters are
Lucifer, Jace, Clary, Affton, Cable, Poppy, Zack, Maleficent, and

same thing several different ways on our drive home. He not-so-gently gripped the steering wheel of his
“I know. I can’t believe it, either.” I was running out of replies, and I had no idea how to make him
feel better, seeing as since I struggled with it myself. Honestly, I was more worried about Natalie than
anything else. I’d only seen her that upset one other time, when she told us she couldn’t have children.
All her life, she’d wished for the perfect family and somehow, against all odds, became a mother with the
best husband in the world. The possibility of Andrik hurting her so deeply and taking away her dream
seemed surreal.
“I’m sure it’s some sort of misunderstanding.” Josh couldn’t let it go. “You have to make Nat talk
to him. He isn’t an asshole. He worships the ground she walks on. It makes no fucking sense.”
“I’ll check on her tomorrow,” I said. “Tell the rest of the girls about it. Natalie needs us.” I rubbed
my pant legs, my hands feeling cold and unpleasantly damp.
“But make sure she talks to her husband.” He gave me a determined stare before looking back at
the road. “Andrik isn’t that kind of man. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ed had a fling on the side, but not
Andrik. Never him.”
“What makes you so sure?” His words surprised me. Edward was his best friend, and Josh had
no problem picturing him cheating on his wife. Why couldn’t Andrik cheat on Nat? He’d cheated before;
in fact, he’d cheated on his previous wife with Nat, and that was how they fell in love. He’d been married
before he broke his wedding vows and ultimately left his family to begin a new one with my friend. I didn’t
like it, but I couldn’t discard the possibility that he’d do it again.
“There’s just something about the way he looks at her. It’s so obvious how much he loves her.
He’s still in love with her. I’m just sure.” Josh switched gears angrily, and I was afraid he’d wreck
the clutch and not even notice. He’d regret that later. “It’s like when you told me you thought Dzed
was cheating on Babah.”
“Shut the hell up!” What did my grandparents have to do with anything?
“Exactly! Not fucking believable.” He shook his index finger at the windshield before slamming his
hand bitterly back down on the wheel.“Why do you have to use my grandparents as an example?”
“I couldn’t use any of our parents.” He shrugged. Josh’s mother had raised him on her own, and
my parents had died when I was five. While our families weren’t the best illustration, I still held onto the
greatest memories of my parents as a couple. “I’m sorry, babe,” he added. “I didn’t mean to upset you.
I’m so fucking shocked.”
“I couldn’t tell.” I chuckled softly and rolled my eyes. “And I feel the same way. I just don’t
understand why you feel so strongly about this.”
“I really like them. They’ve been kind of an example to me. I look at them, and that’s the kind of
life I want with you.” Josh moved his hand from the wheel to take mine. “Of course, it’s nice that there’s
not such a big age gap between us.” He winked at me, then let out a long, slow breath. “I guess I also
feel really protective of Nat. She’s too sweet. I don’t want her to hurt, especially since I consider her our
personal cupid. We might not be together if it wasn’t for her.”
It surprised me that he felt the same way as I did about my friend’s support of our relationship.
Natalie had cheered us on from the very beginning. She’d always made little remarks about how Josh
was the perfect man for me, even when I was in total denial. She’d been his champion whenever we
were all in the same room. When I turned the other way, she kept pushing him toward me, and she never
gave up. Even if she asked us not to interfere, I owed her whatever help I could give to save her
We’d left late to pick up Ella and take her and Natalie home, and when we finally got back to our
house, I was exhausted. What I really needed was a long bath before bed, and I’d work on figuring out
how to help Natalie—without hurting her even more—in the morning. She’d torture herself endlessly if
she waited too long to talk to Andrik about what was going on.
Josh parked in front the house, not bothering with the garage. As he turned off the engine, I let
myself out and went to unlock the front door. Once I’d stepped inside the wooden entryway, I felt his
hands on my waist, and he turned me around to face him, pressing me against the wall with his body. He
pressed his lips against mine, working his magic and leaving me sore. Eager hands roamed my body
until they found their way to my neck. Josh held my face tenderly, making me feel precious, needed.
Then the kisses that had quickly made me forget about my friend’s situation abruptly stopped. Josh’s
forehead rested against mine, both of us breathing heavily.
“I can see the gears turning in your head,” he said. “I know you’re trying to figure out a way to
help Natalie. And while I’m nothing but supportive, I want you to remember something.” He pulled back a
little, his deep gray eyes gazing intently into mine. “I love you, Kass. You’re everything to me.”
“I love you, too.”
“I just need you to know that. Whatever’s going on with Natalie and Andrik is upsetting and sad,
and I really hope it isn’t true. The only thing I know for sure is how much I love you. How much I wantyou.”
Anything I could have said would have just repeated what he’d already told me. Instead of telling
him how much I loved him back, I showed him the best way I knew how.
I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs firmly around his waist, my lips seeking his to
continue their previous assault. I’d always found it easier to communicate with my body what I couldn’t
voice. I kissed his neck and could almost feel his eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure. It gave
him time to say, “I know it’s totally selfish, but I don’t want to worry about our friends tonight.”
I pulled my lips away from the soft skin of his neck, where I’d felt his heartbeat pulsing, and
leaned back to look at him. “Take me upstairs,” I said, a little breathless. “I want to show you exactly how
I feel about you.”
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