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book tour – Page 138 – Luv Saving Money

Love, Lies, and Murder Book Tour & Giveaway

Love, Lies and Murder by Leslie Wolfe Genre: Thriller, Suspense

Breathtaking suspense unraveling at train-wreck speed, in an unforgettable collection. Sometimes the only way to do the right thing is to break the rules. Love, Lies, and Murder is a collection of 19 short stories that explore the extremes of human emotion and the conflicts that result. Every story will leave you tense and breathless as the characters race to a conclusion that is as unexpected as it is satisfying. Intense and gripping, each story features a hero that seeks justice and the triumph of good over evil by whatever means necessary—regardless of what society’s rules find acceptable. The collection is taut, visceral, and addictive. All the emotions we feel every day, when taken to their extremes, offer a roller coaster of passion, conflict, and chills. Nineteen droplets of suspense in a thrilling anthology that will leave you unsettled, longing for more. Fans of David Baldacci, Robert Dugoni, and James Patterson will love reading Leslie Wolfe. **Only .99 cents!!**Goodreads * Amazon

Leslie Wolfe is a bestselling author whose novels break the mold of traditional thrillers. She creates unforgettable, brilliant, strong women heroes who deliver fast-paced, satisfying suspense, backed up by extensive background research in technology and psychology. Leslie released the first novel, Executive , in October 2011. It was very well received, including inquiries from Hollywood. Since then, Leslie published numerous novels and enjoyed growing success and recognition in the marketplace. Among Leslie’s most notable works, The Watson Girl (2017) was recognized for offering a unique insight into the mind of a serial killer and a rarely seen first person account of his actions, in a dramatic and intense procedural thriller. A complete list of Leslie’s titles is available at Leslie enjoys engaging with readers every day and would love to hear from you. Become an insider: gain early access to previews of Leslie’s new novels! Website * Facebook * Twitter * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

He ran parallel with the train as fast as he could, reaching for the handlebar and trying to figure out how he
could hop inside, when the freight car was that high. It was above his waist level, and he needed to grab onto
something with both his hands and pull himself inside the car, if he didn’t want the risk of slipping under the
car and losing one or both of his legs in the process.
Freight train hopping was more difficult than he’d expected. He was almost out of breath and the train seemed
to move faster, catching speed, while the distance between his extended hand and the handle he was aiming
for increased inch by inch. At least that car had its door wide open and seemed empty. If he could only push
forward some more, gain up on the damn thing, come close enough to venture a foot up that step, while
grabbing onto the handle.
The train squealed and slowed down, as the tracks curved a little, and he pushed himself to run faster. Then he
lunged forward with the last drop of energy he had left, and grabbed that handle while his left foot found the
wide step underneath the car’s open door. His right arm flailed in the air, desperately looking for something to
grab, while his body was pushed backward by inertia. Then he felt a strong hand grip his right wrist and yank
him up forcefully. He landed face down on the car’s floor, while the same strong grip dragged him all the way
“A thing like that could get you killed out here,” he heard a man’s voice say calmly.
He looked up at the man who’d pulled him inside. He was young, barely twenty years old, if even. His face
was grimy, smudged with dust and sweat and dirt, and his clothes were nothing unexpected for a habitual train
hopper. His blue eyes were fixed on his Rolex, and he quickly covered it with the sleeve of his windbreaker.
Still panting hard, he pulled himself up to his feet and shook the young man’s hand.
“Thanks,” he said, “I appreciate it.”
“Huh,” the young man replied with a grin, dazzling white teeth sparkling against the grime on his face. “You
should.” Then he laughed, a quick laugh cut short by a few coughs. “You’re no train-hopper material, dude,”
he continued when he was able to catch his breath. “What, you got lost, or somethin’?”
“Nah,” he replied, still panting. “Just looking for someone.”
The young man whistled. “So, you got a place to live, and nice clothes, and food, but you hop trains for fun?”
“Not for fun, no. I’m looking for my brother,” he replied. “Someone said he might have been riding freight
trains through these parts of the country.”
The young man gave him a good look, head to toe, and he felt he was being evaluated. Maybe the kid was
thinking how much money he had on him, or if it was worth killing him. He held his gaze steadily, unafraid,
glad to feel the holster of his weapon tight against his ribs.
“Name’s Travis,” the kid said, extending his dirty hand again.
He took it and shook it firmly. “Jack.”
“Got some food on you, Jack?”
He hesitated a split second, then took out two of the chocolate bars he’d stuffed his pockets with before
leaving the city.
Travis took one carefully, almost as if he expected him to slap him or punch him or something. Then he
whistled again, and slowly unwrapped the bar, savoring the experience. Then he wolfed it down in two good
bites, chewed hastily with his mouth open.
“Umm, good stuff.”
Jack watched him eat and felt something tug at his heart. This kid was about the same age as Conrad, his
younger brother who had vanished almost two months ago. Conrad was going home from school one day, and
it was later than usual. He’d stayed at school longer, working in the lab with three other med-school students,
colleagues of his at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and those three students were the
last people to have seen him.
From the lab, he had to cross the campus and walk a few blocks through Streeterville, to the Brown Line train
station. From what Jack was able to deduct, it was already dark when Conrad had left the university about
seven, his banjo strapped on his back, and a small backpack in his hand. That’s the way his colleagues
described his appearance that day. He was his normal self, maybe a little tired after a long day studying
countless blood samples on the electronic microscope, and he’d told everyone he was hungry.
Then he vanished. When he didn’t come home that night, Jack had called the cops, but Conrad was an adult
and they weren’t going to open an investigation for at least twenty-four hours. His brother’s phone was going
straight to voicemail and, lacking any other means of investigating, Jack had gone to the university the next

morning. He talked with Conrad’s colleagues and heard that he had been in a good mood the day before, doing
his usual routine after lunch, when he sang a couple of songs in front of the building for his cheering
colleagues and passersby. There was no girlfriend who anyone knew about, nor did he seem disturbed by
anything. He’d just left the night before, going home, as he normally did.
Only he’d never made it home.
Jack retraced his steps, with the help of a couple of students who’d walked to the Chicago/Franklin Brown
Line with Conrad before, and knew which side of the street he liked to walk on, and where he usually stopped
for a snack before hitting the train station. He walked the same street, by the ballpark, carefully observing
every detail, yet almost missed the white wood shards that littered the street corner, next to some tangled,
coiled banjo strings.
When he realized what those were, all the blood rushed to his chest and his heart thumped heavily, as if
fighting to escape his chest cavity. He dropped to his knees next to the scattered pieces of wood, and took one
in his hand, gently running his fingers over the glossy finish. Then he crouched lower, looking under the
nearby trash can and saw a photo, barely showing from underneath some street litter. He grabbed it with two
fingers and held his breath. He already knew what it was, an old photo of Conrad and him, when they were
much younger, taken the day Jack had bought Conrad the banjo.
That day Jack had taught him how to play it, and Conrad, a talented guitarist and a natural for anything with
strings, was playing the theme song from Doctor Zhivago before the end of the day. Not perfectly, but it was
recognizable, and soon thereafter it was better, the twangy sound of the banjo warm and full under his fingers,
sounding more and more like the balalaika in the original theme song. Since that day, Conrad had kept their
picture tucked inside his instrument’s pot, taped in place with a piece of transparent adhesive tape still clinging
to the photo in Jack’s hand.
He moaned loudly when he noticed the bloodstain on the photo, and, as if living through a nightmare, he heard
one of Conrad’s colleagues make a 911 call.
Nothing happened after the cops came; nothing useful anyway. Yeah, they’d confirmed the blood on the photo
was his brother’s. But that’s where the trail went cold, despite countless video cameras scattered in the area,
and endless interviews with pedestrians whose normal commute took them along the same street at about the
same time of day. Then they speculated Conrad might be dead, a John Doe in some morgue, or an amnesic lost
somewhere in the hospital system. But they couldn’t find him anywhere, not in any morgue or hospital.
Jack didn’t trust the police would do a good enough job. Per their official statement, they didn’t have anything
to go on. No other evidence, no body, no witnesses. Instead, they had countless crimes happening in Chicago
every day, so many they were overwhelmed with work and unable to continue pursuing a case that had gone
cold that quickly. But Jack didn’t give up. He took the rest of the semester off, leaving his students in the
capable hands of a colleague, and took to the streets, determined to find out what happened to Conrad. He
talked to people, and spent day after day at that street corner, with Conrad’s photo in his hands, showing it to
He was about to give up, defeated, although he still dreamed at night that his brother was out there
somewhere, waiting for him, needing his help. But he’d already spoken with everyone, and he recognized
almost all the people who commuted on that street on a daily basis. He kept going to that street corner though,
as he’d done every day for the past month, and showed Conrad’s photo to anyone willing to take a look. More
and more people threw sympathetic, sad glances his way, while slowly shaking their heads; no, they hadn’t
seen him. Not then, not since.
Until one day, he found a homeless woman at that street corner, going through the trash can with shaky
fingers. She stared at the photo for a long time, then said she must have been mistaken, because the man she’d
seen still had his banjo. It was banged up, but the man still played, mostly at night, riding the freight trains.
She’d seen him on the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail, headed south, like many others, fleeing the cold and
bitter wind of Chicago winters. Or maybe it was Union Pacific? She didn’t remember. Probably he was going
to California, but she wasn’t sure; the man she’d seen didn’t talk. He just played sad songs, she’d added, some
reminding her of movies she’d seen, many years ago when she still was somebody who had a life.
Now, looking at that kid munching on the second chocolate bar, he only hoped that someone out there had
shared their food with Conrad, wherever he was.
“So, who you’re looking for?” Travis asked, wiping his mouth with an off-brown sleeve.
Jack took out Conrad’s photo. “This is my brother; his name is Conrad. He disappeared from Chicago, two
months ago. Have you seen him?”
Travis smacked his lips and sucked his teeth. “What if he don’t wanna get found, huh? Man’s got the right to
roam free, ya know.”
“If I find him and he tells me to get lost, I will,” Jack said. “Have you seen him?”

Travis thought for a while, biting his lower lip. “I should be smarter than this and milk you of some cash, but
you’re an okay guy. No, I haven’t seen him, but train beaters barb about some guy playing a banjo on them
“Where? When?” Jack asked, suddenly invigorated.
“On the UP lines, mostly, back and forth from California. It’s like the man doesn’t wanna get anywhere; just
wants to ride. Maybe he’s a gypsy, not like you and me. But that’s just what I heard tramps talk, that’s all. I
haven’t seen him.”
“What the hell is a UP line?” Jack asked, frowning impatiently.
“Union Pacific, man. You gotta learn your trains if you want a future that don’t end up in the big house.”
Jack scrambled to the car’s open door, looking outside as if getting ready to jump off the train.
“Whoa, hold it; you’re on a UP train now. Relax.”
He still stared into the darkness of the moonless night, letting the wind cool off his burning face. One second
his heart swelled with hope, and then next it dropped to the abyss of despair. How was he going to find Conrad
among so many trains, going in all directions? He could spend years searching and not find him, passing him
in the night without even knowing.
Then he turned toward Travis, a glimmer of renewed hope glinting in his eyes. “Will you help me? I got
money. I got more in the bank. I just want to find him.”
Travis stared at him for a long moment, then muttered, “Uh-huh, it’s not like I got any prior engagements, if
you know what I mean,” he laughed, then coughed some more. “Get some sleep. We’ll need to change trains,
hit the California line.”
Jack sat on the dirty floor, leaning against the car’s rusty wall, and tried to doze off but couldn’t. The train was
going faster, rattling and chugging rhythmically against the tracks. Then it slowed and pulled into a side line
where it stopped with a long, screeching sound of iron against iron.
“Uh-oh,” Travis said, jumping to his feet. “Not good. Bulls might come.”
“Say what?”
Travis rolled his eyes. “Bulls, as in railroad cops. They catch us here, we’re screwed.” He leaned outside,
checking the surroundings. It was quiet and dark, nothing moved.
“Ah, we’re cool,” he said, “we’re on a branch line. They’re keeping us parked here until another train passes
us by. We’re low priority,” he scoffed, “we’re unimportant. What else is new?”
Then he curled on the floor, hands folded under his head in a makeshift pillow. “Great time to nap,” he
muttered, half-asleep. “It’s quiet for a bloody change.”
He followed suit, but only leaned against the car wall as he’d done before; he couldn’t bring himself to put his
face on that grungy floor. The long hours caught up with him, because he dozed off without even knowing it.
He dreamed of his brother, playing the banjo, and sometimes singing with it, although he always thought his
voice didn’t reach the skill of his fingers. But whenever music transported him, he added words and vocals to
the instrument, and Jack loved the end result, although Conrad didn’t always. Then the sound of a chugging
train overlapped, almost drowning the banjo chords, and his eyes opened wide. He lunged to the door and held
his breath.
There it was, faint, disappearing with the passing train, the sound of a banjo in the darkness. Without thinking,
he got off the train and started running to catch the other one, his feet unstable against the loose ballast. He
didn’t care, and he forged ahead, clinging to the sound of that banjo as if it were a lifeline. Then he heard
Travis behind him, coming fast.
“Move it, if you wanna catch this one, it’s a dicer! Move your ass!” he yelled, and slapped his back as he
passed him. He was younger, taller, faster, all helpful traits with train hopping.
Travis got his footing on a car and pulled himself inside, then yanked his arm and Jack let himself be pulled
up, flailing desperately until he landed on the dirty floor of a freight car covered in loose straw that stunk of
cow dung. But he didn’t care; if he listened hard enough, somewhere under the chugging noise of the train, he
could still hear the sound of the banjo.
“How do we get to him?” he asked, as soon as he could catch his breath.
“Ever been on a train car before?” Travis asked. “On top of it?” he added, gesturing with his finger.
He shook his head.
“It ain’t that hard, I’ll teach you,” Travis said. “Let’s wait until we clear the branch line. Someone might see
Jack looked at the kid with unspoken gratitude. He could’ve robbed him by now, taken his money, his cards,
and his watch, or just killed him altogether. Instead, the kid was helping him, without asking for anything in
“What’s your story?” Jack asked. “How come you’re here?”

Travis smiled crookedly and turned away a little. “It was either this, or the system. My mom died, and they
came to get me. My foster family was crooks, really bad people. I couldn’t stay.”
“How old are you?” Jack asked.
“Almost eighteen,” Travis replied. “Soon I’ll be able to do something other than ride these trains. Don’t know
what, and don’t know how, but at least they won’t chase me no more.”
Slack-jawed, Jack found himself at a loss for words. He worked with young people, he was used to seeing
them in school, clean and fed and loaded with attitude, texting and laughing and undisciplined. He wasn’t
prepared to see someone so young battle life on his own like that, starving on a train.
“Let’s get going, we’re good now,” Travis said. “This cannonball’s slowed down a little.”
He led the way, demonstrating skill and athletic dexterity in getting them to the end of the car, then on top of
the next car. From there, knees shaking worse than they’d ever done, Jack crawled on all fours behind the
daring, young boy, who walked the train upright, wind in his face, unafraid as only teenagers can be.
As they got closer to the engine, the sound of the banjo grew louder, clearer, and Jack started to recognize
some of the songs his brother used to play. Energized, he felt his fear vanish, and came down from the car’s
rooftop like a pro, imitating all of Travis’ moves without hesitation. Then Travis pulled open a panel, and they
entered the car where the banjo sounds were coming from.
It was dark, and the open side door only let occasional, distant light come in. The man didn’t stop playing
when they entered, and didn’t look at them. He continued to play, his fingers comfortable and accomplished
on the strings. Jack approached him, holding his breath.
“Conrad?” he called, but the man didn’t stop playing.
He stared at the man and didn’t recognize his brother. It was dark, and the man wore an unkempt beard that
could have been growing for about two months. His clothes were so grimy, he couldn’t tell if they were the
ones Conrad had last been seen wearing. Jack resigned to listen,crouched on the floor next to the man, not
daring to breathe. Soon a new day would break, and he’d know.
When the early light broke through the panels of the freight car, the man laid his banjo on the floor and closed
his eyes. Jack searched the man’s face, looking for a familiar trait, and couldn’t be sure.
“Conrad,” he called again, quietly. “It’s me, Jack,” he said, touching the man’s arm.
The man kept his eyes closed, as if sleeping.
“May I?” Jack asked, gesturing toward the banjo, but the man didn’t say anything and didn’t open his eyes.
He took the banjo gently and started playing “Lara’s Song,” the theme music from Doctor Zhivago. In his
hand, it sounded weird, almost unrecognizable; he’d never had Conrad’s talent, only schooling. Note after
note, the music came back to him, and his playing became stronger, more confident, and more recognizable.
When he started playing the unmistakable chorus, the man’s eyes opened, and in those green irises Jack
recognized his brother. He smiled and continued playing, hoping Conrad would say something, but he
remained quiet. He watched Jack play the entire song, his eyes speaking volumes, but his words absent.
Then Jack set the banjo down and took out the photo. Conrad looked at it without a sound, but after a while, he
took it and tucked it inside his banjo.
“Yes, yes,” Jack exclaimed, “that’s us, Conrad. You and me.” Whatever had happened to his brother, there
was still a part of him left intact, buried deep inside that man, and that part would guide Conrad home, just as
it had helped him find another banjo to replace the broken one.
The train screeched and stopped, and Travis quickly pulled the door shut. “Trouble,” he said. “Be quiet. We’re
in a big station; I believe it’s Yuma.”
“Good,” Jack replied, and helped his brother to his feet. “We’re going home. Come on, Conrad, let’s go.”
He pulled the car door open and jumped off, then Travis handed him the banjo and helped Conrad down. The
kid’s eyes were hollow, and his lower lip trembled a little. Jack took his hand to his pocket, and then changed
his mind.
“You too, kid.”
Travis stood there, in the doorway, staring, stunned.
“Yeah, you’re coming home with us. Come on, it will be fun to have another brother. We might even teach
you how to play the banjo.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Kristian Clark Saga Book Tour & Giveaway

The Bachelor Missions Kristian Clark and the Agency Trap Series Book 1 by Jes Drew Genre: Speculative Thriller, Espionage Romance

The good-guys, the bad- guys, and the wild card- it’s the ultimate game of cloak and dagger… Kristian Clark, private eye, thought his days as a special agent were behind him, but when he’s drafted into action, he finds himself reunited with his old team- and painful memories of why they broke up in the first place. But as he plunges into mission after mission- from a ‘holy heist’ to babysitting a young hacker to going undercover in a cult- Kristian find that everything he tried to leave behind is coming back to haunt him with a vengeance, and then some. First there’s the mysterious woman who knows more about Kristian- and his past- than makes sense while using science fiction weapons that don’t make sense period. Then there are the shady powers-that-be who are responsible for drafting him back into this world to satisfy their own nefarious agendas. It’s all Kristian can do to keep from being pulled into their games as he tries to figure out who to trust and what to fight for, even as the trap put in place to destroy him is set with a ticking clock. When did espionage get so complicated? **FREE June 11th – 15th!!** Goodreads * Amazon

In the Rogue Kristian Clark and the Agency Trap Series Book 2

The classic game of cat and mouse- but who’s the cat and who’s the mouse? Kristian Clark is still reeling from his accidental marriage to his rookie, Susan Deanna, when NEO anarchists attack their agency and they have to go on the run with his- their?- two adopted children. But the NEOs aren’t the only ones who are after them- the strange agency that seems straight from the pages of a science fiction novel is hot on their tails. But are they going after Kristian? Or Susan? Or both? But as they work to stay one step ahead of their pursers, secrets begin to come to light about their enemies, their friends, and even each other. Things are in play that are beyond any of their understanding or attempts to control. Even if all reality seems to be a fabrication, will Kristian be able to face his calling? What if everything you knew was a lie? Goodreads * Amazon

Ruptured Reality Kristian Clark and the Agency Trap Series Book 2.5

I’d tell you I love you… But then you’d make me change the baby’s diaper. Kristian Clark can go undercover for months on end, combat multiple enemies at once, and even teleport through dimensions. He should be ready for everything. But having a newborn child… is a little outside his skill set. And the universe isn’t ready for little Shannon either. The tentative layers of the universe begins to peel apart and his adopted son gets pulled through a portal in the hospital. Along with an angry wife and reunited best friend, Kristian travels the dimensions to find his son and somehow find a way to save reality without giving up his little girl. Also includes seven other stories. All profit goes to charity. Goodreads * Amazon

Agents Adam and Eve Kristian Clark and the American Agenda Book 1

Dream not of other worlds… They call him agent and he answers. They tell him conquer and he does. But there’s something they don’t know. He’s beginning to remember. His name is Kristian Clark. He has a wife and four children. Or he did. But he will find them again, whoever is left, wherever they are, and whatever it takes. They call her the Aisling. She does their missions only as far as it helps her accomplish her own: to find and rescue the children of a fallen woman. And she will not let anyone get in her way- most certainly not the brainwashed father who has for so long been an unthinking weapon for the government. To save the innocents, she will not hesitate to do whatever it takes- no matter how much it condemns her. They are the root of a conspiracy that would bring two worlds together, for good or for evil, for better or for worse, for life or for death. Their choices shall echo throughout all eternity. Advanced Praise for Agents Adam and Eve: “Agents Adam and Eve is the kind of book you can’t put down, the kind that has you laughing and crying. Jes Drew successfully keeps you turning the page and renders you longing for more when the last page has been turned.”~Karsyn Shae, Creative Writer “Kristian Clark is back in an all-new duology after the birth of his twins. Are he and his wife finally able to enter parenthood safely without the threat of anarchist groups, or will Kristian have to sacrifice everything to save those he loves?”~Allyson Kennedy, author of Speak Your Mind “I love the story! It felt so real and very intense! I felt like I was in the story with the characters!” -Shine, author and blogger of Hauntingghosttown Goodreads * Amazon

Jes Drew is the author of the Ninja and Hunter trilogy, the Howling Twenty trilogy, the Kristian Clark saga, and the Castaways trilogy. She lives with her mom, dad, younger sister, four younger brothers, and two dogs, obsessing about her true love, Captain Steve Rogers. There is a possibility that she may or may not be a superhuman, but she hasn’t discovered her powers. Yet. Also, she might be a spy, but that’s classified. Website * Pinterest * Goodreads * Amazon

Excerpt from Agents Adam and Eve:
Miss Smith frowns at me when I appear beside her again. “What were you—?”
I hold up the gun. “It was too pretty to die.” Then I hand it to her with a gentlemanly bow. “For you, milady.”
This puts a distracted smile on her face as she pets it like a child would a puppy.
I’ve just given a child firearms. Lovely.
In the distance, the NEO base explodes.
I am the child’s firearm.
Maybe they all escaped. Maybe not. Why I care either way, I don’t know. Yet I do. I didn’t use to.
But things are different now. Since I began remembering. Since I realized the world I’m beginning to remember
will never be mine again.
I walk and she follows my lead, unaware of the fact that I could teleport us from any point.
Then I come to a halt as realization washes over me. As Miss Smith keeps walking. As the fire burns beyond.
I’ve killed people. I’ve felt no remorse. All because I had no memories? Is that what makes me human and
humane—my memories? Something that can be so easily taken away?
My hand reaches out to touch Miss Smith, and I teleport her back to her chambers before teleporting myself
to mine.
Then I drop to my knees and bow my head. My bedpost makes a shadow of a cross beside me, and I find
myself focusing even as my heart finds other things to occupy itself with.
“Oh, Susan,” I whisper. “How I have failed you.”
A mental image of my children flash through my mind’s eye. I know naught where they are or what’s become of
But if Aisling is right, then there are some who know. And if there is even a chance that I can somehow save
what’s left of those who need me, then I will do whatever is necessary for as long as necessary to save them.
With this commitment in my heart, I look straight at the camera I know to be monitoring me 24/7. Then I rise and
go on pretending nothing has happened whatsoever—that I am not an autonomous, independent, intelligent being
capable of thought and willpower.
If a charade is what it will take to save my children without losing my memory and conscience again, so be it.
This is my holy ambition, and nothing on earth or below the earth will be able to stop me.
I only pray that somehow that distant place called Heaven will fight with me.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sand Dollar Series Book Tour & Giveaway

Penny For Your Thoughts Sand Dollar Series Book 1 by J D Boudreaux Genre: Sweet Romance

One random act of kindness. One prayer for a miracle. Two lives changed forever. Penny has her future all planned out. Her new job as a reporter is the first step toward building a successful life for herself. Unfortunately, her first day on the job isn’t going as she imagined it would. On the side of the highway with a flat tire and open trunk all she can do is silently pray for a miracle…and then gets one. Alex likes to think he’s a good guy—the type of person who loves to help others. A Good Samaritan. So naturally when he sees a woman stuck at the side of the road, looking all helpless his first instinct is to stop and help. Little did he know that this one act of kindness would steer both their lives in an entirely different direction. Buy now to read the first book in this sweet romance series!**Only 99 cents!!** Goodreads * Amazon

Wish I Had A Nickel Sand Dollar Series Book 2

Will their reunion lead to love? Or another long good-bye? Born two days apart in the same hospital, Alex and Leigh grew up to be inseparable. They were fierce protectors of each other, and it was only natural for everyone to assume they would one day find their happily-ever-after together. Unfortunately, nothing in life is that simple. When Leigh’s family decided to move to another state, it was only a matter of time before the distance between her and Alex caused them to drift apart…until finally, the special connection they had shared was lost. Thirty years later, fate offers a chance at reuniting, but is it possible to erase years of separation? Or will fate require a little help? Can a matchmaking mother and a smart-mouthed daughter working behind the scenes help Leigh and Alex regain what was lost? Buy now to read the second book in this sweet romance series!Goodreads * Amazon

Broken Sand Dollar Sand Dollar Series Book 3

It’s all about the love you give… First there was Penny. Their relationship blossomed into something beautiful, and their engagement was proof of that. But her ambition, her need for success, meant moving forward…without Alex. Then there was Leigh, his childhood sweetheart. She came rushing back into his life just as quickly as she had left in the first place. While helping her get her life back on track, Alex fell for her all over again. But the more she learned about Alex’s past, the more she learned about herself. Afraid of what may happen next, she does what she does best. Run. All the while there was Payton. The woman who repeatedly found herself at the receiving end of Alex’s good deeds, who has slowly managed to get her life together. She’s forever grateful for all that he has done, but given the chance to reunite with her family, it will mean saying good-bye to Alex. Now, while nursing his wounds after all the disappointment, Alex returns to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The place that’s always had a piece of his heart. It’s there that he realizes it’s up to him to find his own way. Can he be still long enough to realize that what’s happened before is not the end… but the beginning? Goodreads * Amazon

Born and raised in Opelousas, Louisiana, J D Boudreaux is married and has three grown children. The family now resides an hour south in the small town of Erath. A good story, good friends, and a good cup of coffee are the ingredients that make up a great day for J D. Add a little boudin, cracklins, and Momma’s homemade carrot cake, and J D will call it a perfect day! Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

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Wings of Diablo Book Tour & Giveaway

Wire Wings of Diablo MC Book 1 by Rae B. Lake Genre: MC Romantic Suspense

Wire- I am the pain manager at the Wings of Diablo MC Club. What’s that mean? It means that if my brothers need information they call on me to get it out of you. You should see the art I can create with a blow torch or a serrated blade or my favorite, barbed wire. I have been known to have a cold fearless heart. To stand in the middle of a gun fight without a care in the world, tear flesh from bodies and not even blink when my mark would scream and cry. Nothing reached me, I was numb to the world. Chaos was my meditation. That was until I met Keeley. Now one small piece of false information, one wrong victim and one war later she is completely under my skin. Keeley- He just showed up in my backyard pointing a gun in my face and bleeding profusely. If I would have known at that precise moment my world would turn on its head I would have never let him in. I left my home to get away from the violence and the wars yet here I am back in a world I don’t want to be in. I would run but no one excites me like Dillon does, no one protects me like Dillon does, and no one makes me scream in pleasure like him either. As hard as his life is and even with my own life in danger there is no where I would rather be than in his arms, I am his. Goodreads * Amazon

Archer Wings of Diablo Book 2

Archer- I am the master marksman at the Wings of Diablo MC Club. Any target my brothers need me to take down, I will. I am a magician with a fire arm no matter the class, from the small and simple Glock 36 to the powerful .44 Magnum, the big bad shotgun to the sleek and sexy M2010. I have been known to be stoic and calculated. To lay above the rest and smile as each bullet sailed through my target. Once you were in my sights, you go down for the long nap. I used to believe that my fate was sealed by the bullet and my gun, come to find out my life would be turned on its head by Daria. A woman in the wrong place at the wrong time. A woman who is seared into my soul. Daria- My whole life I stayed to myself, never wanted to get anyone upset or be a burden to those around me. So when my roommates strong arm me into going to a party at the Rolling Cobras MC Club house I try to stay as far away from the action as possible. Not that it did me any good, my favorite shirt was ruined, I got hit on by a man missing his two front teeth, oh and I got shot in the chest. Talk about a party. There was one good thing that came from that horrible experience, the hospital set up a trauma counselor, Archer. There is something about his haunted eyes that makes me believe that I can trust again. No one makes my pulse race like he does, makes my body surrender like he does. Even with secrets all around him I have no choice but to submit to him. Goodreads * Amazon

Rae is a daydreamer, nurse, bookworm, nature enthusiast, wife, momma, animal activist and an optimist. She has lived her entire life in NYC and loves to travel with her family. She believes that sweets should have a larger piece of the nutritional pyramid and that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was one of the best TV shows ever invented. When she is not working as a nurse in her community, she can either be found reading, writing, or taking a walk while listening to music. She has been writing books in her mind for as long as she can remember but decided that maybe there were others out in the world that would find joy in the words she would put down on the page. Website * Newsletter * Facebook * FB Group * TwitterInstagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monsterland Book Tour & Giveaway

Monsterland Monsterland Series Book 1 by Michael Okon Genre: YA Horror

Welcome to Monsterland—the scariest place on Earth. Wyatt Baldwin’s senior year is not going well. His parents divorce, then his dad mysteriously dies. He’s not exactly comfortable with his new stepfather, Carter White, either. An ongoing debate with his best friends Melvin and Howard Drucker over which monster is superior has gotten stale. He’d much rather spend his days with beautiful and popular Jade. However, she’s dating the brash high-school quarterback Nolan, and Wyatt thinks he doesn’t stand a chance. But everything changes when Wyatt and his friends are invited to attend the grand opening of Monsterland, a groundbreaking theme park where guests can interact with vampires in Vampire Village, be chased by werewolves on the River Run, and walk among the dead in Zombieville. With real werewolves, vampires and zombies as the main attractions, what could possibly go wrong? Add to GoodreadsAmazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo

Monsterland Reanimated Monsterland Series Book 2

After Monsterland has imploded, the entire world is thrown into chaos. World leadership is gone, economies have collapsed, and communications are non-existent. Wyatt must go beyond the boundaries of his small town to reestablish contact with the outside world, and alert the government about a traitor-in-chief. During his journey he discovers a new threat released from the bowels of the defunct theme park. When an army of relentless mummies, a life-sucking ooze called The Glob, and a hybrid reanimated Behemoth rise from the depths of Monsterland, who will survive? “Another true gem of dark fantasy action/adventure by a master of the genre, Michael Okon’s “Monsterland Reanimated” is unreservedly recommended for community library Contemporary Fantasy Fiction collections.” – Midwest Book Review Add to Goodreads Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo

Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English, and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling in his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters. Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children. Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway