The Valentine Handmade with Love Gift Hop will be happening Feb. 2-6. Many blogs will be participating. All giveaway items are handmade items. I’m so excited to be sharing my wonderful sponsors with you. The next wonderful sponsor I have is: Madame Koiteh

Since I loved the product so much I contacted her hoping she would be willing to sponsor a giveaway on my blog so I could talk about my great experience with her products and hopefully give one of my readers the opportunity to try her handmade products.
I asked Madam Koiteh if she could tell us a little about herself and her shop and here’s what she had to say:
“I started crafting many years ago, actually as a child. I always loved to sew, crochet, draw, and make perfumes. My mother and other relatives were always making something,from soap to clothes to incense. My first perfume was a sad little bottle of water with a peach pit and some of my mom’s Tabu. (I was 5!) Later I would collect flowers, add spices and perfume, and make potpourri. Only in the last few years did I decide to turn my crafty dreams into a business, and it has been the experience of a lifetime.
Now, I have the wonderful opportunity to share my lifelong love of shea butter with the rest of the world. I spend most of my days developing formulas that feature the goodness of pure African shea butter combined with the elegance of modern western beauty care. I use techniques that I learned from my elders in Africa to work with shea butter in a holistic way that preserves its legendary properties. I have also innovated some of my own techniques to make some unique products, such as a very limited edition “Shea Butter Pearl” bath product that will be available later! (Hint, hint)
2011 is a very special year for my whole family at Madame Koiteh, because this year we have launched our first independent fundraising campaign for one of the causes that is truly special to us. This year we are donating 10% of our net profits to the Sheikh Jobe Institute in the Gambia West Africa, where severe flooding has ravaged parts of the countryside and left thousands homeless and impoverished. The Institute is a school, children’s hospice, and orphanage that houses more than 300 children, ranging from age 4 to adulthood. The facilities were damaged during the floods and are in urgent need of repair. In addition, many of the parents have lost their livelihood, and subsequently the hospice has not been able to collect critically needed school fees in order to maintain operations. It is an honor and a priviledge for Madame Koiteh to sponsor the Sheikh Jobe Institute and its children for the year of 2011, and we thank you for your business which also supports this worthy cause. You can learn more at my blog
We will be featuring special products throughout the year in our Etsy shop and other online venues to further support our goal of raising a minimum of $5000 to be donated to the Sheikh Jobe Institute. Please visit us frequently to check out these very special listings. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
So don’t forget to stop by her shop to make a purchase in support of the great cause throughout the year.
You can find Madame Koiteh products on etsy:
Madame Koiteh products website:
Madame Koiteh also has another website called “The Shea Butter Queen”
and last but not least, Madame Koiteh’s blog:
Madame Koiteh will be offering The Romantic Lover’s Gift Basket in the Valentine Handmade with Love Gift Hop. The gift basket will include:
“The set is a 3-piece bath and body set featuring shea butter-enriched spa bath salts, a shea butter infused massage oil, and a moisturizing glycerin soap, all in Strawberry Kisses. I will also include a bonus handcrafted candle tin for the winner in Japanese Cherry Blossom scent. It will all be presented in a beautiful keepsake gift bag with a bow.” — Madame Koiteh
Oh my doesn’t that sound delightful! You lucky readers you.