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Angie – Page 1003 – Luv Saving Money

Colorado Pen’s rude treatment to potential customers and mommy bloggers

One of my blogger friends had this post on her blog.  I’m shocked to hear that Colorado Pen is so rude to potential customers and bloggers.  I think anyone who thinks this is a horrible way to treat their customers should send an email, or write a letter, tweet and/or post a blog about this company.   Let’s make them realize how much influence us mommy bloggers have. This was in response to an email: 
Barefoot Mommies sent to Colorado Pen.

To see what I’m talking about please read Grissell’s blog post:
Colorado Pen’s Rude email convo with fellow mommy blogger.

Colorado Pen’s website:

Colorado pen on twitter:

Colorado Pen on facebook:

Also stop by:  Barefoot Mommies blog and let her know you support her.

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World Down Syndrome day, How can you help?

Since a blogger friend of mine, Grissell, made me aware of the great organization called:
Reece’s Rainbow
I’ve found myself wanting to help these precious children who have been dealt a tough hand in life.
Reece’s rainbow helps to raise funds to help loving families adopt children with special needs such as down syndrome.  Please look over the site  There are so many children that need loving homes and donations are always welcome.

I decided to help by becoming a 21.3.10 Warrior. World Down Syndrome day is March 21. From Reece’s Rainbow website here is a little info on it.

“Every year, on March 21 (to honor the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome presented in Down syndrome), the world comes together to raise awareness and advocate for people living with Down syndrome.  Because Reece’s Rainbow has an international focus, we are doing our part to further the recognition of this very special day!”
I chose one child (which was difficult believe me) to help raise donations for.  I’d love to see this precious little boy find a family

Use the Chip-In widget above to donate money to help Toby find a loving family. Chip in is secure and the money goes directly to Reece’s Rainbow into Toby’s adoption fund.
Here is a little peice of information about him from the Reece’s Rainbow site:

Boy, Born October 22, 2009

Toby is another tiny one, perfect age to blend  seamlessly into a new family and benefit from early intervention.  He does have a heart murmur which will need to be followed by a cardiologist once home.


If you would like to learn more about adoption through Reece’s rainbow you can use the link above I provided or use the widget on my blog to help you get to their site.

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Got me a new Winter coat and you won’t believe what I saved!

If you’ve read some of my previous posts, I’m a frugalista. Love to save money wherever I can. I love to do the end of season clearances and stock up for the next year.

Well, I’ve been needing a new winter coat.  I’ve had the same one for about 7 years.  Each year I tell myself, I’ll get a new one next year.  It served it’s purpose.  It’s warm, ( I had got a great deal on it as well), I liked the colors and it fit.  I’ve had a hole in the Right pocket for several years but every year it gets bigger but this year the zipper started acting up. As I’m sure some of you moms out there know your kids have new shoes and coats each year but you are content with what you have lol!  So I started browsing hoping to find a good end of season clearance on a coat.  I really wanted a warm peacoat.  Preferably a neutral color I could wear for mulitple events (another way to save money, versatility).  I scoured the internet: Target, Overstock, Old Navy, BonTon, Boscovs, Sears, and then I stopped at HSN.

HSN had a lot of really nice coats on clearance.  I ended up getting myself a coat like I’ve wanted for years.  Originally $160….got it for $40…go ME!  (I also had $16 spendable K$sh left in my account from the free HSN giftcards I got from for christmas shopping).  There were other really nice coats on clearance.  Another cute one I looked at was only $30 peacoat style. But the one I got had everything I wanted: wool blend, hooded, pockets, it came in black, had a lot of good reviews and had a good price.  It had my name all over it.

Another tip: READ THE REVIEWS.  If the vast majority of the people are complaining about the product there is probably a reason. Sure there will always be 1 or 2 negatives but if the majority are negative I’d recommend staying away from the products.

So yay! I’m set for another 5 years hopefully lol! Here’s a pic of the coat on got on

And for anyone else who’s been putting off getting themselves a new winter coat, here is the HSN link.  Browse the sales people, embrace the clearance 🙂

HSN coats

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Get $10 from Ruelala has designer boutiques at low prices.  Today’s boutiques (Feb 27) include Juicy Couture, Catherine Malandrino, Whiting and Davis, Tarte cosmetics, Douglas Kirkland, The Culinary Institute of America cookware, and St. Supery Vineyards and Winery.

Just for making a free account on the site you get $10 in your account.  For each friend you refer that makes their first purchase you get another $10 in your account.  They have great items like Juicy Couture hoodies and pants for $49 ($39 with your account credit).  The Tarte cosmetics has their “Tarte Eyequatics waterproof set” for $15 (only $5 with your account credit). 

Some of the Tarte Cosmetics would have even been free with the account credit except they’re sold out.  Which brings me to another point.  These boutiques usually only last a day or two. Items sell out quickly.  I’ve been saving my account credit for a rainy day (or a great purchase to make it free or nearly free 🙂 )

Use this link:

I’ve browsed the site and they’ve had great designer stuff on different days.  You never know what exciting designer they’ll list.  I’ve seen Diesel, J and Company jeans, Invicta watches and lots of others.  Low prices compared to what you would pay retail.

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Do you know about

Surfing the web as a usually am, I come across so i decided to check it out. The have bracelets, rings, interchangeable watches, and necklaces with the great chunky style that a lot of women are wearing.

The watches were my favorite on the site. You choose the watch face and band.  You can get a couple bands and change up your style.
Interchangeable beaded watches
The have a deal right now where you get 3 of their most popular bands and a watch face for only $59.
One of my favorite bands: also has interchangeable charm necklaces made from silver.
Interchangeable Charm Necklace

Browse  And Check out all the Chunky jewelry available:
Chunky Jewelry

As I continued browsing the website I saw that they offer online jewelry parties.
Online Jewelry Parties You get your own party website, Coupon code for your guests to use for free shipping or discounts, and your online party last for a week.  You earn a free swarovski ring just for hosting a party. Here is how the rewards for your party break down:

  • FREE Swarovski Crystal Ring just for hosting a party
  • $75 in sales = 1 FREE Bracelet
  • $150 in sales = 1 FREE Watch Set (Band + Face)
  • $250 in sales = 2 FREE Watch Sets (2 Bands + 2 Faces)
  • $250+ in sales = 2 FREE Watch Sets + 15% of all sales over $250
  • $500+ in sales = 2 FREE Watch Sets + 20% of all sales over $250

This is directly from the website.  They even provide you with a party dashboard to keep track of your party sales.

I’m seriously considering holding one of these parties so if you’d like an invite you can email me: and ask for an invite.  If I get a few interested I’ll surely do it.

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