I have done several reviews for Aerobie toys and I have yet to be disappointed with the quality and active fun involved with their toys. This time I had the pleasure of reviewing the Aerobie AeroSpin “The World’s Most Advanced Yo-Yo”
It’s been a long time since I’ve played with a yo-yo. But the comfortable grip and adjustable gap made it easy to hold onto. The adjustable gap is also great for those more advanced with a yo-yo to make it easier to perform tricks with the yo-yo. It also come with a 36 page book of tricks so you can try to become a yo-yo master yourself.
It was very easy for me to use this yo-yo and be able to make it rebound even though I hadn’t used a yo-yo in years. My boys had fun trying to do some of the tricks in the book.
The booklet gives you lots of helpful tips from beginner stuff like how to wind your yo-yo, how to adjust the gap, and even troubleshooting if your string gets tangled. It also gives more advanced directions like how to make your yo-yo “sleep” to perform tricks, easy to hard tricks, and hand positioning. I took the yo-yo apart myself and was able to put the whole yo-yo back together again within a minute. Another plus, Aerobie Aerospin is made in the USA.
You can check out all of Aerobies quality toys that encourage active play on their website: http://aerobie.com/products.htm You can also found a list of retailers that sell Aerobie toys near you: http://aerobie.com/wheretobuy.htm Just click on either USA or International for retailers. Aerobie toys are available in more than 35 different countries!
The Aerobie AeroSpin yo-yo is very well made as all their product have been that I’ve tested so far. They’re made to take a beating.
You can also find Aerobie on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aerobie-Sport-Toys/139247956088827
***I received the above mentioned product at no cost in order to complete a review. I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post. Any opinions expressed are my own.***
I like their flying disc!
The Boomerang looks like fun.
I shared on Google+ and Facebook. Here is facebook link. http://www.facebook.com/#!/LindaSanders3308/posts/371929366188447
Aerobie® Football
Rocket Football
vmkids3 at msn dot com
the skylighter
Aerobie® Rocket Football
leah stobe on rafflecopter
walkbyfaith3715 at yahoo.com
I like the Aerobie® Squidgie® Ball
Claudia .
Skylighter looks awesome!
i like the orbiter boomerang!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
rocket football
I tried to like the blog post , but I think i clicked before it confirmed! AHH sorry , how can I make sure I LIKED
Aerobie® Squidgie® Ball
Linda, if you click on the entry itself in the rafflecopter form it will open the entry up to let you see if you actually liked it or not. If you didn’t you can still do so. The like button should still be unclicked
love the superdisc
Aerobie® Orbiter™ Boomerang
I would love to have the new frisbee golf set
I’d love to try the Aerobie® Orbiter™ Boomerang
cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com
I would like to try the Aerobie Megatop Spinning Top!
Thanks 🙂
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com