Feisty Heroines Romance Collection of Shorts Genres: Paranormal, Contemporary, Fantasy, Historical, Romance with stories by: D.F. Jones, Tia Didmon, Margo Bond Collins, Dariel Raye, Miranda Lynn, Ruth A. Casie, Savannah Kade, Stephany Tullis, Suzanne Cass, Teri Riggs, Donya Lynne, Ashlee Price, Brenda Trim, Claire Angel, Lauren Wood, Angela Sanders, Sheri-Lynn Marean, Maggie Adams, P. T. Macias, I. D. Johnson, Felicity Brandon, Kayla Wolf, Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell, Ellen Mint, Lane McFarland, D. B. Sieders,Rachel Tsoumbakos, Maria Vickers, Theresa Hissong, Allie Marie, Amy Hale, Renee Regent, Barabara Bettis, Karen Muir, Ana Morgan, Tess St. John
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In all the years Jeb had been a lighthouse keeper, he’d
never had a live body wash ashore–until now.
Anna took her chances with the ocean to escape the
horrors of the prison boat she’d been assigned to. Expecting
the tiny island to be unoccupied, she’s shocked when the
handsome lighthouse keeper emerges and o’ers her help.
Can the two of them learn to live together–and more–
until a sickness that’s kept the ports closed passes and Anna
can leave? Or will the ship she escaped from return and take
her away forever?
Ann’s limbs ached as she pushed up o’ of the ground.
She steadied herself the best she could on legs that weren’t
capable of separating as they should. What would the hand‐
some lighthouse keeper think when he realized her situation?
He would certainly riddle her with questions. Ann let her
face crack into a smile for a brief second as she pondered all
of the questions he’d peppered her with earlier. She
wondered if he spoke aloud to himself when he was alone or
if he’d been keeping it all in for however long it had been
since he’d seen another soul.
It was di)cult to make her way across the rocky terrain in
the shackles, though she had grown accustomed to walking in
them to some extent since they’d been forced on her months
ago by the jailer in London. Not that she did much ambling
around the ship; most of her time was spent below deck in
the dark. The only time she’d seen the sun since boarding
The Esteemed Lady, an ironic name for a vessel crewed by
heathens, was on the brief afternoon walk she was a’orded
when the parson was available to take her, as he had been
She felt sorry for frightening him when she’d ung herself over the side. The sound of the water mu+ed the prayer he’d been shouting as she tried to stay aoat and
propel herself toward the island in the distance. The only
explanation she could give for why she was still alive was that
perhaps God had ,nally seen ,t to lend her a hand.
Ann made it to the cottage, her *esh aching from
straining against her chains, and blood trickling over the top
of her ankle-high boot. Bleeding all over Jeb’s *oorboards
wasn’t ideal, but she needed to ,nd fresh water. Ann
managed to open the door and step in. Now, she needed to
quench her thirst.
She downed a glass of water, thankful that the burning in
her throat had calmed to some degree. She wiped the wetness
from her lips with the back of her hand and contemplated
what to do next.
The door swung open, and Jeb stepped in, his forehead
wrinkled in concern. “You are bleeding?” His blue eyes
bulged as he took in her hands. With a deep breath, Ann
raised both arms and lifted her hand in a wave. Still staring at
her in shock, Jeb waved back. Then, for once, he was quiet.
Ann pondered how much of an explanation she should
give. His eyes were wide with concern, but she did not sense
judgment coming from the blue orbs. She cleared her throat,
hoping the water had softened her tone, though she still felt a
,re raging inside of her that wouldn’t be extinguished by the
concern of one man. “I am not dangerous.”
His eyebrows rose, and she assumed he was taking into
account the fact that he had to be almost two feet taller than
her. His broad shoulders and muscular arms strained against
the fabric of his white shirt. Even sopping wet as she was
now, Ann didn’t weigh more than eighty pounds. Of course,
she was not dangerous to him.
He didn’t mention that, though. “You should sit. I will go
fetch the medicinal kit and some tools.”
Ann looked down at her bound wrists. She’d been
wearing the iron so long, she’d almost forgotten what it was
like to be able to move freely. The idea that he would rid her
of them soon was enough to send her heart racing, as were the
beautiful blue eyes of the man who intended to free her.
Read more in The Feisty Heroines Romance Collection of
Shorts. Preorder here.
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