The Gap Year Angela’s Epistles Book 1 by Rita Kruger Genre: SciFi LGBT Romance
Angela Wright might have everything her father’s money can buy, but that meant nothing to her on the night of her twenty-eight birthday. She is angry and a little bit drunk as she flees the scene of a fight with her mother. All her life she has done the right thing. But she is tired of living under her mother’s shadow. How can she ever compete with Margaret Wright, the first Human judge on the Intergalactic High Court? Within the space of a few days, Angela drops out in the last semester at Intergalactic Bureau of Investigation Academy, signs a bounty hunting contract to find the top ten criminals in the galaxy, and kisses Brenda, her best friend since childhood. She might be late, but at last she is blooming. **Start the series FREE!!**Add to GoodreadsAmazon * B&N * Kobo * Books2Read
Sins of the Fathers Angela’s Epistles Book 2
Angela Wright is new to bounty hunting, and on her way to find Nuremburg, a cop-killer. She is also new to Uranus. And to loving a woman. She thinks she’s doing rather well, for a late bloomer. She learns that Uranus’ has a nickname. “Black widow.” Interesting Creatures. An underground where the resistance live in squalor. And a box with journals and pictures from her father, Winston James Wright. Only, he died when she was six years old. Meanwhile on Earth, a stalker rears his head. His has his eyes and mind on Angela’s girlfriend, Bren. Maybe blooming isn’t really what she thought it would be. Or maybe it is just that everyone else had a head start. **Only 99 cents!! **Add to GoodreadsAmazon * B&N * Kobo * Books2Read
Dancing in the Dark Angela’s Epistles Book 3
This is book three of Angela’s Epistles Series. Finally Angela tastes success in as a bounty hunting. The Top Ten list of worst criminals was changing because of what she did. Having conquered her new career, she now turned her mind to new endeavours. Bren, her girlfriend, was still plagued by a stalker, and the police was not helping much. Angela starts to read her father’s journals, at last. He speaks about a betrayal. They are also filled with concern for the atrocities that was happening on Uranus. Therefore she sets forth to rescue her brother from the Black Widow (Uranus). She has a brilliant scheme, a map, and just in case, a Plan B. But can she leave Uranus untouched? Will its darkness touch her? Will she, and the team of people who are gathering, be able to get to the stalker before he gets to Bren? **Only 99 cents!! **Add to GoodreadsAmazon * B&N * Kobo * Books2Read
Dark Eclipse Angela’s Epistles Book 4
This is book four in Angela’s story. The attack on Bren unleashes all kinds of trouble in Angela’s life. With Bren and Angelo both in hospital, she is almost living there. Heading for a nervous breakdown, she is able to get them both in one room, with a guard outside. And an extra bed for herself. In the middle of this she needs to find answers. What really happened on the night Bren was attacked? Where did she go? And why did she make those calls to Bren? No, WHO made those calls to Bren? Prof Linden and the top students go through Bren’s case file and find some irregularities. Evidence is missing. The police investigation is going nowhere. All fingers point to the stalker being a policeman. Soon the Intergalactic Bureau of Investigation takes over. Can they find the truth? And Margaret wants the journals her father wrote for her. She is willing to take Angela to court. Adulthood has a fierce bite. Can Angela hold on amidst all the twists and turns life is throwing at her? **Only 99 cents!! **Add to GoodreadsAmazon * B&N * Kobo * Books2Read
Masquerade Angela’s Epistles Book 5
This is book five in the ANGELA’S EPISTLES series. Life after the attack on Bren is hard on our relationship. Her walls are up so high I cannot reach her. But I know it’s not only the attack. I lied to her. Everything between us is tainted. Angelo has found love! I’m happy to have my brother here. Only, he isn’t my brother, is he? The board members of Search International is having a party. Only, it turns into the worst idea ever. I should have expected that for them. Anyway. The new target on the International Bureau of Investigation’s Top Ten list is Identity Thief. Which means I have to go to the bank right after the party to ensure my money is protected properly. And then the hunt starts. Can I find a way to reach Bren in her tower of pain? How deep does the investigation into the mining atrocities in her father’s journals go? And what other secrets will he share with her? Will Margaret change her mind about wanting the journals? And can Angela find the Identity Thief before he finds her? **Only 99 cents!! **Add to GoodreadsAmazon * B&N * Kobo * Books2Read
Close Cuts Angela’s Epistles Book 6
This is book six in the series Angela’s Epistles. Follow the escapades of Angela, Bren and the people they love. This time Angela has to face enemies from within and without. But can she do this without the support of her lover, Bren, who had always been the rock on which she could stand? Margaret, her mother, is still fighting her around every corner. Added to this is a trusted friend that turns into an enemy. The Identity Thief seems like a walk in the park in the middle of Angela’s storms. But will she ever find this elusive criminal? What new secrets will her father’s journal reveal? Can she heal the damage to her relationship with Bren before it is too late? Can she survive in a world filled with people that want to kill her? **Only 99 cents!! **Add to GoodreadsAmazon * B&N * Kobo * Books2Read
Rita Kruger lives in Vereeniging, South Africa. She is wife, granddaughter, daughter, mother, and grandmother. Most of childhood happened within the pages of books. Stories conspired to carry her away from the world she knew. The places and people books introduced her to were much more exciting than her boring existence. Currently married to her personal MacGyver, she surrounds herself with what enriches her body, mind and soul. Family. Friends. Nature. Great food. Good wine. Mountains of books. She writes novels challenging major themes of her life in the genres of fantasy and gothic horror, which she loves. Website * Facebook * Twitter * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

Dance with Darkness excerpt
“So tell me what happened before I go crazy.”
“He left something on the doorstep,” Bren said, and shook her head as if she wanted to rid herself of
something really bad.
“It probably wasn’t flowers and chocolates,” Angela said. “By the look on your face.”
“It was blood.”
Bren coughed to clear her throat. Nodded. Coughed again.
“Three wine bottles, neatly cleaned, filled with blood,” Bren said. “And a nice hand-written card.”
“Human blood?”
“It’s at the police lab for testing. We’ll know in the morning.”
“You saw the detective that helped Thomas and Sarah the night they were kicked out?”
“Yes,” Bren said. “Detective Peacock.”
“What did he say?”
“He took a statement from me and Thomas. Sent a team of investigators to our home. They took
finger prints and shoe prints and all kinds of stuff. But the detective said it might all just be ours.”
“That’s true.”
“So we are waiting to hear from them.”
“Did he text again?”
“Only to say there was a gift waiting. Nothing else.”
“That’s strange,” Angela said.
“Trim suggested that he gets a thrill out of seeing my reaction to the texts,” Bren said. “And since we
removed all the cameras inside, it has lost its power.”
“If that is true,” Angela said, “and I do believe it might be, he would have been watching you as you
went for the gift.”
“You think?” Bren asked, her eyes large and filled with fear.
“I do.”
“Gawd,” Bren cried, “I just want this to be over.”
“Me too, babes. Where’s Trim?”
“Outside. Patrolling the border, as he puts it.”
“He went with you to the police station?”
“He didn’t,” Bren said. “Insisted that as few people as possible should know of his presence. Says he
is our,” Bren made quotation brackets in the air with her fingers, “secret weapon.”
“I love the idea,” Angela said. “To outsiders he will look like a wild creature, at most a beloved pet.
Who would ever guess he has intelligence, or expect his strength?”
Bren nodded. “That is true.”
“Secret weapon,” Angela smiled. “You’d swear he had been doing this all his life.”
“Maybe he dreamed about it all his life?”
“He was in the resistance movement,” Angela said. “So he probably learned a thing or two.”
“Like setting traps? That would be nice,” Bren said.
“Imagine waking up tomorrow morning and there the perv is, hanging from the oak tree in the
Bren smiled. “Oh, how I wish.”
Excerpt 2 (425 words)
“Hey bro,” she said, keeping her voice soft and low.
He coughed, and then laid down again. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you.” She hunched down next to his makeshift bed.
“You shouldn’t have come,” he told her between coughs.
“You’re my brother. I promised to bring you home. Everyone is waiting to meet you.”
“I’m too ill,” he told her. “This planet is killing me. Those antibiotics worked well, but then they were
finished and it was back to the same thing. I can’t make my way to the shuttle port. And even if I
could, this cough would give me away as a rebel immediately. People under the domes don’t cough
from the oil deposits in the air. It’s only us here below the surface that taste that Black Death each
time we breathe.”
“We expected this difficulty,” she answered, opening the side pocket of her pants to take out a
needle with amber liquid. “And I have the solution right here.”
“What’s that?”
“This is the best tranquilizer on four planets,” she said. “Or that is what the doctor who gave it to me
“You will not be able to cough on the shuttle,” she told him. “You will be sleeping all the way to
“And I’m just supposed to trust you?”
“I’m your sister!”
“So what?” he shouted. “I have only met you once before. It’s not as if we have a history together.”
“I don’t know what you have been taught about family,” she told him. “But where I come from,
family is the most important thing. You are important to me. We are connected by blood.”
He coughed, wiped his face with the back of his hand, and coughed again.
“Let me help you,” she said. “Please.”
“I don’t want to live anymore,” he said. “That is why I didn’t come. I just want to die here.”
“On Earth, doctors might be able to heal most of your illness.” She took his hand. “And even if they
can’t, you’ll spend your last days in a real house, with people who care. Sarah is going to feed you
until you double in size. Thomas and Bren will love on you. Please let me take you home.”
He watched her for the longest time, coughing softly from time to time. She did not speak, even
though she wanted to, only waited for him to think quietly. But inside, her mind was racing like a
shuttle at top speed. And uncertainty swamped her like and angry ocean.

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