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Basa Body, quality body products that give back – Luv Saving Money

Basa Body, quality body products that give back

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There are lots of companies out there that sell body products like lotions, cleansers, etc.  It’s interesting to find out where your products that you use come from.  Sometimes it makes the product that much more worthy of the hard earned dollars you spend on it.  Basa Body, I believe, is one of those companies.

Basa’s story began with a trip to Kenya.  The founders of Basa Body ran into a group of women with their own small business called Coast Coconut Farms working hard to produce organic virgin coconut oil by hand to feed their families.  The Basa Body founders were determined to find away to tell the Coast Coconut Farms story and help them grow their small business. Basa Body is named for these women of Mombasa, Kenya where the coconut oil is produced.  
Basa Body products are made with virgin organic coconut oil that easily absorbs into the skin.  Coconut oil has natural antioxidants that have antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal effects.  
The products are free of:
artificial fragrance
artificial preservatives
harsh irritating chemicals
10% of sales from Basa Body products are donated to humanitarian efforts in Kenya.
I received a bottle of Basa Body Body lotion and Basa Body Stick which is a natural coconut oil healing balm.  The packageing on the lotion has a beautiful Kenyan landscape picture.  They have their story on the bottle too which I think is so important to know where the product comes from.  Both products had a lovely light coconut smell.  
The body lotion has a smooth non-greasy feel to it.  I get terribly dry skin starting about this time of year and it lasts until about April or so.  This lotion smoothed into my skin easily and left my skin feeling soft and supple.  The light coconut sent stayed with me for about 2 hours after I put it on until it the scent started to fade. 
I tried the Basa Body Stick on my heels, elbows, and knees.  It’s very easy to apply.  This products is recommened for eczema as well.  
Basa Body launches it’s line in November 2011.  They have all kinds of fun things going on in anticipation of their launch.  Sign up for their newsletter on their website and you have the chance to get free products, info on when the line is launched, soap recipes, and help them determine which humanitarian efforts in Kenya to donate their money to.  
Also, if you like Basa facebook they are doing giveaways to their fans in anticipation of the launch as well.  It says they have more things in store for the launch so I think it would be worth signing up for the newsletter and liking them. 

Basa Body is going to give 2 Luv Saving Money readers 
a bottle of Basa Body Coconut Oil body lotion

Open to US and Canada

<a href="">You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker