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Love With Food Box $2 first month and get a FREE $15 gc – Luv Saving Money

Love With Food Box $2 first month and get a FREE $15 gc

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I did this deal and it worked great.  You can get a Love With Food subsciption and your first month is only $2 with code: YUMMY.   Also, until 1/1/14 when you sign up for a Love with Food box you also get a FREE $15 or $15 Little Black Bag gift card.  I chose the $15 gift card and used it for an awesome deal a  little over a week ago for 4 bottles of Dapple baby laundry detergent.

Love With Food - Snack Smart. Do Good.

The free $15 gift card deal is only good until 1/1/14 and I’ll be honest I’m not really sure how good the YUMMY code is good for so you might want to jump on that asap.  Also if you’re a new customer to like I was, you get free shipping with your first order.  Yay, deals all around!

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker